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他们在贝尔实验室完成了这项工作,他们发现实际上,电子确实发生了衍射。They did this in Bell Laboratories, and they found that, in fact, the electrons did diffract.

机器人晶体创造出许许多多个晶体,不过它们的衍射现象并不明显。The robotic crystallization process made plenty of crystals, but they did not diffract very well.

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之后他们作出了一个具有一些真正小纺锤的视角,但是已结晶的形态并不在X射线下产生衍射。Then they made a version with really short spindles, but the crystallized form did not diffract x-rays.

讨论了使用普通衍射仪进行小角散射的可能性。The possibility of carrying out small angle scattering with a common diffract apparatus has been discussed.

由于电子束在原子尺度不会绕射,所以它不会使得图案细节的边缘模糊。An electron beam does not diffract at atomic scales, so it does not cause blurring of the edges of features.

采用X射线衍射相结构分析对膜层的微观形貌和膜层进行了分析。The microcosmic configuration, phase distributions and constituents are investigated by X-ray diffract meter.

要让电磁波在你身体周围产生明显的衍射,波长应该是多少呢?What kind of wavelength would an electromagnetic wave have to have in order to diffract dramatically around your body?

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晶体内的原子在X射线下产生衍射,并且衍射产生的图像是的科学家能够重建晶体中的原子排列。The atoms in the crystal diffract the x-ray light, and the diffraction pattern allows scientists to reconstruct the arrangement of atoms in the crystal.

本文从几何像差、色像差、圆孔衍射和照明几个方面分析了对显微镜分辨率的影响。This text from several why resemble bad- color resemble bad- circle bore the diffract with illuminated a few aspects to analyze to influence microscope distinguish rate.

分析讨论了原子全息与光学全息的区别,指出只有经激光冷却的原子束才满足全息技术所要求的相干条件和衍射条件。Analyzing the difference of atom hologram and optical hologram, we point out that only the laser cooling atoms can satisfy the coherent and diffract conditions required by the hologram technology.