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她牢骚不断,烦死人了。Her incessant whining drives me crazy.

她不愿容忍他的嗜赌如命。She refused to put up with his incessant gambling.

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客人不断求令我们觉得受打扰。We felt put out by the guest's incessant requests.

他们同意永远做牛做马。They agree to pass their lives in incessant slavery.

不用说,此起彼落的尖叫声也淹没了他的声音!Needless to say, incessant screams drowned his voice.

在两地之间,有一条通商大道,骆驼队来往不绝。In between, there is a trade thoroughfare, camels and incessant.

自出生始则息不止,天天须呼吸以气体代谢。Breath is incessant to sustain gas metabolism every day from birth.

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频繁舌舔导致病变部位变厚、变硬,呈椭圆斑块。The lesion from the incessant licking is a thickened, firm, oval plaque.

由于连年的灾难,在19世纪,布哈拉人平均年龄只有32岁。Due to incessant plagues the average 19th century Bukharan died at just 32.

网易能坚持不停的开展批评与自我批评实属不易!!!NetEase can insist incessant criticism and self-criticism was not easy! ! !

有些人心中那挥之不去的焦虑和紧张几乎已经变成了一种无药可救的疾病。The incessant anxiety and strain of some is a well-nigh incurable form of disease.

那一丛秃头的柳树,因不断遭受砍伐都失去了天然的形状。The pollard willows were tortured out of their natural shape by incessant choppings.

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他作证说在农奴制下,他被置于无尽的劳作、饥饿和寒冷中。He testified that under serfdom he was subjected to incessant toil, hunger, and cold.

这前定,这苍宇下的海,这起起伏伏的无尽的安慰。This destiny, this ocean beneath firmament, this infinite incessant undulating comfort.

贝尔纳普听了王明志的故事,在这期间,王明志的妻子一直帮他擦去下巴上不停流下的口水。He listened to Mr.Wang's story as his wife wiped away the incessant drool from his chin.

她迟到了,钟声的敲响不断让她头痛使她退缩。She was late, and winced slightly as the bell's incessant ringing made her headache return.

旷日持久的战斗远不止破坏了这个世界的表面。The incessant battles have been destructive to far more than just the exterior of the world.

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珍珠的形成,皆因蚌能竭力忍受,沙粒不断刺激的痛苦。By enduring its incessant and painful prickling, the clam turns a grain of sand into a pearl.

有时候,母鸟把自己的孩子活活饿死了,就因为布谷鸟不断地要吃的。Sometimes the mother bird starves her own offspring because of the cuckoos incessant de-mands.

有时候你需要放松,让生活顺其自然,不要过分担心,也不要过于细致的规划。Sometimes you've got to relax and let life happen without incessant worry and micromanagement.