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牛皮纸上保留了照片的剪贴簿页面。Vellum preserves photographs on scrapbook pages.

其中的两张写在上好的牛皮纸上列出了受益人名字。Two were written on fine vellum and made out by name.

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钢笔,棕色墨水,折叠两次的羊皮纸。Pen and brown -ink wash on vellum paper folded twice. 8x7 in.

是厚的描图纸,尤其方便用在针笔线图上。Vellum is a thick tracing paper stock, good for line drawing.

是厚的描图纸,尤其方便用在针笔线图上。Vellum paper with a glazed surface is used for decorative documents.

用象牙白的牛皮纸打印商务邀请函为的是给人漂亮的感觉。Print the business invitation on ivory vellum paper for a classy touch.

信封厂使用很多不同类型的纸张,从顶级的犊皮纸到牛皮纸。Envelope factories use many different types of paper, from top quality vellum to craft paper.

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有三本羊皮纸笔记记录了她的“少女之作”——她在青少年时期写的故事与诗歌。Three vellum note books contain her "Juvenilia"—the stories and poems she wrote as a teenager.

特殊的技术改造适合在各种表面上绘画,如描图纸和卷型纸。Particularly suited for technical drawing on a variety of surfaces such as tracing paper and vellum.

这是张漂亮的地图,由学士书写在一张最好的牛皮纸上,大到足以盖住倬面。The map was beautiful painted by a master's hand on a sheet of the finest vellum so large it covered the table.

发明了印刷机后,许多修道士都为牛皮纸的衰落和彩饰书稿者的艺术损失感到痛心。When the printing press was invented, many monks mourned the decline of vellum and the loss of the illuminator’s art.

上面写道,试金石通常与普通的鹅卵石混杂在一起,从外表看几乎区别不出来。It was a thin strip of vellum on which was written the secret of the "Touchstone"! The writing explained of identical looking pebbles.

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班卓琴一种有格子纹的细颈弦乐器,琴身中空,呈圆形,由可延展的。A fretted stringed instrument having a narrow neck and a hollow circular body with a stretched diaphragm of vellum upon which the bridge rests.

借助于SEM、XRD等手段,系统研究了炻器亚光釉的形成机理和工艺条件。In this paper, the growth mechanism and technology condition of stone china vellum glaze are studied systematically by means of SEM, XRD and etc.

这是一个优良品质,无酸,亚硫酸盐板纸,多用途。两种面,滑面和仿羊皮纸面。Rising Artist Bristol Board is a fine quality, acid-free sulphite bristol for a variety of uses. It's available in two finishes — Vellum and Plate.

对于牛皮纸画来说,卢米埃尔摄影机能够对其手绘版以及电子版建立材料合成。For the vellum portrait, Lumière have been able to establish the composition of the materials used in both the original drawing and the restoration.

在那个年代,按照惯例,毕业生——博洛也是其中之一——会被授予一双熏香过的手套,而不像现在,得到一张可以挂到墙上的上等皮纸文书。At the time it was customary instead of presenting a sheet of vellum to hang on the wall to present graduates like Borough with a pair of perfumed gloves.

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七本新书都是由罗琳亲自手写,并附上罗琳的插图手稿,内页是半透明的上等皮纸,并以镶有珠宝的皮革封面。Each copy of the book is handwritten and illustrated by Rowling on translucent vellum paper as well as being leather bound and covered with silver and jewels.

它可以叠色,比如说,女孩子的衣服的绿色,就是运用先进的电子黑色粉笔的笔触在微黄的牛皮纸的光界面之上触合而完成的。It transpires, for instance, that the green of the girl's costume was obtained by applying progressive strokes of black chalk to the yellowish surface of the vellum.