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上帝以此来回收祂施给人类的光阴。God uses this to recycle the time he endow onto mankind.

这让他的日常经历富有浪漫色彩。It can endow his daily experience with a kind of romance.

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金色的流苏使整个讲道坛富显华贵,气度不凡。The golden tassels endow the pulpit with garishness and nobleness.

事实上,书籍赋予我们一个思想魔宫。Books , indeed , endow us with a whole enchanted palace of thoughts.

这些支助医院、艺术馆和交响乐团的有钱人,真是蛮不错的。I like for rich people to endow hospitals and art museums and symphonies.

柔情似水的毛衣裙装赋予女性独特的魅力。The cardigans and leggings as soft as silk endow ladies with particular charm.

神阿、求你将判断的权柄赐给王、将公义赐给王的儿子。Endow the king with your justice, O God, the royal son with your righteousness.

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如今我们能够为这个中心捐资,并将其命名为凯勒中心。We've now been able to endow this center and it has been renamed as the Keller Center.

帕佩特·莱卡丽说,最重要的是,它可以赋予这些未来的成年人以音乐鉴赏力。Above all, says Papert Lercari, it can endow future adults with an appreciation of music.

他认为,君主的权力是人民赋予给他的,让其代表广大的人民,并维护人民的利益。It is the people who endow the sovereign with the authority to represent them on their behalf.

情境是指环绕某个经验的实体、情绪和智力环境,且能赋予它意义。Embrace the entity, emotion, intellectuality, and endow the meaning, that is called"situation".

这就要求全社会重新塑造良好的教师形象,赋予其新的内涵、新的使命。Therefore, we must re-portrait the image of teachers, and endow it with new meaning and mission.

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那么,有没有可能使我的电子替身忠实再现我自己的人格?So is it possible to endow my digital double with a believable representation of my own personality?

而作为其应有之义的内在性或心灵化倾向,更赋予主体性诗学一种现代内涵。Yet its internality and tendency of spiritualization endow the principal poetics with a modern connotation.

她把落叶和蝴蝶连在一起,把刚刚死去的叶的生命,重新赋予生机和色彩。She let the falling leaves connected with butterflies, endow the gone leaves with vitality and color afresh.

比较各方法预测精度,赋予不同权重,建立组合预测模型。We also compared the prognostication precision , endow differ power , and established assembled forecast model.

智慧、勇气和经验的底蕴,使得他在办困难刑案中能洞幽悉微,游刃有余,屡获成功。His witness, courage and experience endow him with a sharp discernment to successfully deal with tough criminal cases.

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然而,当我们急着研究芭蕾如何的美时却容易忽视认真地观察艺术的本身。However, we will easily neglect to observe the art itself when we hurry to study how to endow the ballet more elegancy.

童话插图般的人物、怪异的元素和柔和的笔触使季大纯的作品表现出一种引人入胜的张力。Cartoon-like figures, quirky elements and delicate brushstrokes endow Ji Dachun's paintings with an inviting attraction.

昆虫的消化道内共生有各种细菌,它们赋予宿主昆虫各种各样的生物学功能。Multiple symbionts were lived in alimentary tract of insect, which endow their insect host multiple biological functions.