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一块石头嗖地飞过。A rock clipped through the air.

我们的狗每年夏季均剪毛。Our dog is clipped every summer.

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她已剪短了指甲。She has clipped her finger-nails.

他说话时把一些词语省略了。He clipped his words when speaking.

园丁修剪了灌木丛。The gardener clipped the shrubbery.

她的辫子在上周被剪掉了。Her plait has been clipped last week.

一条白色皮带束在她腰上。A white leather belt clipped her waist.

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他们把访问时间缩短了三天。They clipped their visit by three days.

卡车突然转向撞上停着的车。A truck swerved and clipped a parked car.

她夹上一对钻石耳饰。She clipped on a pair of diamond earrings.

他们不喜欢剪指甲。They don't like their nails being clipped.

他骑着摩托车沿公路疾驶。He clipped along the road on his motorcycle.

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他从报纸上将那篇文章剪下。He clipped the article out of the newspaper.

它被夹在一个盒子里,可真漂亮!It was clipped in a box. Its really beauti-fuL.

我的一个朋友和我剪去了我们的辫子。A friend of mine and I clipped off our pigtails.

分层后,曲边要修剪或打刀眼。After grading, curved edges are clipped or notched.

他把电子脉搏计夹到手指上。He clipped an electronic pulse reader tohis finger.

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他的车票在上车前已经剪过。His ticket had been clipped before he got on the train.

走过来把我们的票剪了个口了。Soon the guard on the train came and clipped our tickets.

在最后,所有确保点都应扣入。At the end, all the protection points shall be clipped in.