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是我们的手机号。It is our mobile phone.

首个移动僵尸网络?The First Mobile Botnet?

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你的手机号码是多少?What’s your mobile number?

在移动业务上,我们收购了赛贝斯公司。In mobile we bought Sybase.

谁在使用手机网?Who Is Using the Mobile Web?

可移动式的核磁共振脑扫描成像Brain Scanning In A Mobile MRI

我需要给手机充电。I need to re-charge my mobile.

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关于7D拍的照片,关于手机拍的照片。Photos by 7D, by Mobile Phone.

企业推动软件移动化趋势Enterprise Drives Mobile Growth

不需要眼镜的3D移动显示技术Glasses-free 3D Mobile Displays

她在巡回电影队工作。She is on a mobile cinema team.

这部时尚手机很流行。This fashion mobile is popular.

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高薪者也可以逐利而动。High earners can also be mobile.

如何小,可一具手提电话呢?How small can a mobile phone be?

移动新老用户均可参加。Mobile new old user can join in.

免费手机维修咨询!Free Quotation for Mobile Repair!

将除冰设备移动到位。Put mobile equipment in position.

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这个手机是二手的。This mobile phone is second hand.

你有否曾购买过手提电话?。Have you ever bought mobile phone?

移动互联网络的新兴市场Mobile internet in emerging markets