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我们有经改进的单价疫苗用于有针对性的免疫。We have improved monovalent vaccines for targeted immunization.

现可充分利用单价脊髓灰质炎疫苗的力量和优势。The power and advantages of monovalent polio vaccines can now be fully used.

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但卡罗尔。潘达克指出两类脊髓灰质炎的专项疫苗都不充足。But Carol Pandak says the monovalent vaccine is not enough in areas with both.

广告尺寸不一样,单价基本也不相同。Advertisement measurement is different, monovalent and basic not identical also.

虽然单价略高,但综合算下来,还是节省的。Although monovalent slightly tall, but put together is economical come down, economic still.

图书馆单价化合物反应可以互相给予图书馆价的。Libraries of monovalent compounds can be reacted with each other to give libraries of bivalent ones.

华兰生物也成为全球首批正式甲流疫苗的生产企业。Internationally, the first batch of H1N1 Monovalent Vaccine was produced by Hualan Bio for pandemic vaccination.

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这种单价H1N1流感疫苗应根据国家监管当局的指南加以使用。Such monovalent H1N1 influenza vaccines should be used according to guidelines of National Regulatory Authorities.

将使用单价口服I型脊髓灰质炎病毒疫苗,在该国儿童中迅速建立免疫屏障。Monovalent oral poliovirus type 1 vaccine will be used to quickly build immunity levels among children in the country.

济南市槐荫区华联附近单位宿舍双气房子单价多少?Does the Ji Nan City Huai Yin District Hua Lian vicinity unit dormitory make the monovalent number of house angry pair?

二价金属离子的盐在阴膜中的扩散系数小于一价金属离子的盐。For the anion-exchange membrane, the diffusion coefficient of bivalent metal salt was smaller than that monovalent one.

在埃及的研究中,科学家随机指定421名新生儿接种单价或三价疫苗。In the Egyptian study researchers randomly assigned 421 newborns to receive either the monovalent or trivalent vaccine.

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本发明涉及单价和多价单特异性抗体以及多价多特异性抗体。This invention relates to monovalent and multivalent, monospecific antibodies and to multivalent, multispecific antibodies.

这种新的单价疫苗针对脊髓灰质炎I型毒株,而现有的三价疫苗针对全部三种毒株。The new monovalent vaccine targets the type 1 strain of polio, while the existing trivalent vaccine targets all three strains.

2005年5月在埃及接种疫苗运动期间使用了针对在那里传播的1型脊髓灰质炎病毒的单价疫苗。Monovalent vaccine targeted at the type-1 poliovirus circulating in Egypt was used during vaccination campaigns there in May 2005.

这两种新的单价疫苗为1型和3型分别提供特别免疫,而2型病毒已被根除。These two new monovalent vaccines provide specific immunity to each of types 1 and 3, as type 2 virus has already been eradicated.

预计将进行至少三轮全国性的免疫活动,使用单价口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗对全国人口进行免疫。At least three nationwide vaccination campaigns are expected, using monovalent oral polio vaccine and targeting the entire population.

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现在,我们有一个完整的疫苗工具箱,已经开发出来并且利用快速通道来使用单价及双价脊灰口服疫苗。We now have a full toolbox of vaccines, having developed and fast-tracked the introduction of monovalent and bivalent oral polio vaccines.

这些离子会紧紧包围在负带电粒子,因为他们带有更强的电性,取代一价阳离子。These ions would snuggle up to the negatively charged particle and, because they possess a stronger charge, displace the monovalent cations.

2005年期间首次在根除行动中使用,单价口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗看来已在埃及和印度部分地区制止传播。Used for the first time in the eradication initiative during 2005, monovalent OPV appears to have stopped transmission in Egypt and parts of India.