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2007年以来,人们在格陵兰岛海上捕获四条葡萄牙角鲨鱼,这是标本之一。This Portuguese dogfish is one of four such specimens found off Greenland since 2007.

并且角鲨会在被酒精浸泡的时间里游动时就会发出其中一种不同寻常的攻击.And Dogfish is also bringing back one of their more unusual forays into alcohol-infused time travel.

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之后她在阿伯丁大学对它们的近亲,猫鲨做进一步的研究。She then used their close relatives, lesser spotted dogfish , for further research at Aberdeen University.

据英国广播公司报道,角鲨体内有一种化学物质可以用来抗击人体病毒,且安全有效。A chemical found in the dogfish shark could be a safe and potent weapon against human viruses, BBC reported.

到现在他一定给鲨鱼吃掉了好几天了,那条鲨鱼在这一带一直在为非作歹呢。By this time he must have been swallowed by the Dogfish who for several days has been playing havoc in these waters.

CITES的委员提出一组不同种类的鲨鱼候选名单供讨论,包括锤头双髻鲨,远洋白鳍鲨,鼠鲨以及白斑角鲨。The main committee of CITES discussed a group of them, including the hammerhead, oceanic whitetip, porbeagle and spiny dogfish.

商业渔民捕捉葡萄牙角鲨鱼有时出于偶然,有时也是有意而为之——一般是为了获取用于化妆品的鱼肝油。Commercialfishers catch the Portuguese dogfish both by accident and onpurpose—generally for its liver oil, which is used in cosmetics.

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研究报告强调指出,葡萄牙角鲨鱼是最意想不到的发现之一,因为这种鲨鱼通常生活在大西洋西部偏南水域。Highlighted in the study as one of the mostunexpected finds, the Portuguese dogfish usually dwells in moresoutherly waters of the western Atlantic Ocean.

葡萄牙角鲨鱼通常生活在西大西洋的较南部海域中,此次能在这里发现它是研究小组意料之外的最大收获。Highlighted in the study as one of the most unexpected finds, the Portuguese dogfish usually dwells in more southerly waters of the western Atlantic Ocean.

在英国水域上,受到如此待遇的目标群体包括短鳍灰鲭鲨、蓝鲸、锤头鲨、长尾鲨,以及葡萄牙角鲨和刺鲨。Species targeted this way in UK waters include the shortfin mako, blue, smooth hammerheads and thresher sharks, as well as species such as Portuguese dogfish and gulper sharks.