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情态是人类语言中一个重要的语法范畴。This is a difference between Chinese and English categorial grammar.

本文在语段理论框架下,对定冠词的语类身份进行分析研究。The present thesis carries a study on the categorial status of the definite article within the framework of phase theory.

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但是,只要现状的人还存在,那麽,属于行为学所处理的那种元范型的人的行为也就存在。But as long as there are beings of the species Homo sapiens there will be human action of the categorial kind praxeology deals with.

类型逻辑语法是当代语言研究的前沿理论,它把范畴语法和类型逻辑语义学接起口来。In its broad sense, a type-logical grammar refers to a framework which interlinks a categorial grammar and a type-logical semantics.

本研究进一步证明,除语义信息外,语类信息在决定VP内各成分合并顺序方面发挥关键作用。This study shows that besides thematic information, categorial information plays a key role in determining the order of merge within VP.

当代计算语言学中出现了词汇主义的倾向,范畴语法是词汇主义的典型代表。The lexicalism is a new trend in contemporary computational linguistics, and the categorial grammar is the typical grammar of lexicalism.

关于这种价值判断,我们所能知道的只是属于历史方面的。All we can know about these value judgments has the categorial character of the specific understanding of the historical sciences of human action.

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英语名词的非范畴化是指在一定的条件下,某些名词范畴成员逐渐失去范畴特征的过程。Decategorization of English nouns is a process during which some members of noun category gradually lose their categorial features under certain conditions.

第七章研究动名相互转化中的种种不对称现象,分析不对称现象产生的根本原因在于动词和名词之间概念上的不对称。Chapter 7 focuses on the asymmetries in the categorial shift between verb and noun, pointing out that these asymmetries are rooted in the conceptualasymmetry of verb and noun.

自然科学领域和人类行为科学领域的截然不同表现在,各自解释现象和构造理论的范畴系统不同。What differentiates the realm of the natural sciences from that of the sciences of human action is the categorial system resorted to in each in interpreting phenomena and constructing theories.