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其发病机理主要是由病菌的代谢产物———毒素导致的。The supersession result toxin of the germ mainly causes its pathogenesis.

细胞外基质处于不断代谢更新、降解重构的动态平衡中。Extracellular matrix is is in the dynamic balance of supersession and remodeling.

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激活脂蛋白代谢酶类,促进甘油三酯的水解。Activate the lipoprotein supersession enzyme kind , promote glycerin three esters hydrolyzation.

新陈代谢是宇宙间普遍的永远不可抵抗的规律。The supersession of the old by the new is a general, eternal and inviolable law of the universe.

目的探讨老年糖尿病患者餐后脂代谢紊乱与胰岛素敏感性的相关性。Discuss relation of aged diabetic fat supersession disorder after meal with insulin sensitiveness.

阻止其他脂质的体内合成,或促进其他脂质的代谢。The foreclosure is composed other within the lipid body, or is promote other the lipid supersession.

同样的,新陈代谢对一个国家或一个地区的生存和发展来说也是很有必要的。Likewise, supersession of the old by the new is essential for the survival and development of a country or a region.

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心理健康教育发展不仅是时间上的更迭,而主要更是本质上的逾越。The development of mental health education is not only the supersession in the time, but mainly the transcendency in essence.

在创伤愈合过程中细胞的增殖和胶原代谢失常起着至关重要的作用。Cell proliferation-promoting and collagenic supersession play an essential role not normally in the course of healing in wound.

它主要研究与人类疾病有关的病原微生物的形态结构,代谢活动,致病机理机体的。It studies pathogenic microorganism relevant to human being disease form structure , supersession activity mainly, pathopoiesia mechanism airframe's.

锌是生命代谢过程中的重要元素,其作用广泛,已越来越引起人们的关注。Zinc is a very important element in the process of supersession of life. lt is widely used in many field and more and more people show interest in it.

在过去的几年中,曾经于我在CES的“精英视角”超级访问中采访过他,他的观点总是引人入胜。I've had him on my CES Supersession panel on Big Thinkers-Disruptive Technologies for the last couple of years, and his perspective is always fascinating.

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氟是重要微量生命元素,原生环境中氟过量或缺乏均会导致机体畸变或代谢异常。Fluorine is an important trace bio-essential element. Its deficiency or excess related to geological setting can cause organism distortion or supersession abnormality.

这种政治观经常是政权更替“已开始又未完成”时期的产物,具有标志意义。The active political idea is often the product of supersession of political powers that has began but not yet been accomplished, and thus has a symbolizing significance.

通过大鼠糖尿病模型的建立,研究安糖片对改善糖代谢紊乱及血糖调节激素分泌的疗效及作用机制。And to investigate the action and mechanism of Antang Pill on how to influence diabetic rats blood glucose regulating hormones and improve its supersession disorder state.

大力推进干部制度改革,建设高素质干部队伍,应从培育、选拔、交流到退出等环节完善党政领导干部代谢机制。To propel the reform of cadre system and establish cadres rank with high quality, we should perfect the supersession mechanism from cultivation, selection, exchanging and quit.

同一最初与我们前面所说的存在原是相同之物,但同一乃是经过扬弃存在的直接规定性而变成的,因此,同一开始说是作为理想性的存在。Identity is, in the first place, the repetition of what we had earlier as Being, but as become, through supersession of its character of immediateness. It is therefore Being as Ideality.

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通过雷达、闪电等观测资料的分析,给出这个雹暴的超单体结构,在雹暴移动方向右前方不断产生代谢传播以及雹暴单体生命史特征。According to analyses of the data from radar and lightning counter, the supercell structure, the supersession propagation on the right flank and life characteristics of this hailstorm are presented.