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沃尔登脸上现出一副犹豫不决的神色。Walden put on a dubious face.

而一些人类专家却对此半信半疑。Some human experts are dubious.

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他所作的证据是可疑的。The testimony given by him is dubious.

投资者的一件事,是可疑的。Investors, for one thing, were dubious.

他用一些可疑的手段去赚钱。He uses some dubious shifts to get money.

率领无数天军投入剧烈的战斗。In dubious battle on the plains of Heaven.

“纯粹”似乎是一个颇为可疑的词汇。"Pureness" seems like a rather dubious word.

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但很明显这个建议是*不住的。But it's certain that the suggestion is dubious.

几根形相可疑的废铁件堆在一个角落里。In one corner lay some ironmongery of dubious aspect.

她在路上东张西望的,形迹十分可疑。She looked around this way and that in a dubious manner.

并且对于其他一些不靠谱的决策,布什同样也是漫不经心,漠不关心。He applies the same insouciance to other dubious choices.

他年轻时曾跟一些不三不四的人来往。He ran with a lot of dubious characters when he was young.

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那些制定模棱两可的法律备忘录的人呢,他们应该接受调查吗?Should authors of dubious legal memoranda be investigated?

这种随意的途径并不象人们所预期的那样无把握。This random approach is not as dubious as one might expect.

我将决不参与那些无把握的地产买卖。No way will I get involved with those dubious property deals.

怎样来保护你远离那些可疑的货币基金呢?How can you protect yourself from dubious money fund holdings?

这必将诱惑他们对那些值得怀疑的原创专利说“是”。That must tempt them to say yes to ideas of dubious originality.

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有些地区是可疑和危险的。There are wilderness abodes that are considered dubious and risky.

两任总理都被法院以可疑的理由开除。Two prime ministers were removed by the courts on dubious grounds.

相对于避孕套,其控制生育的效果值得猜疑。Of dubious effectiveness in comparison to condoms or birth control.