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我痛恨那些打笔战的人。I abhor people who wage paper-warfare.

我厌恶自己,在尘土和炉灰中懊悔。I abhor myself and repent in dust and ashes.

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不可憎恶以东人,因为他是你的弟兄。Do not abhor an Edomite, for he is your brother.

有一个女子,那个女子有着残忍的憎恶。Have a woman, that woman is having abhor bloodily.

不可憎恶以东人,因为他是你的弟兄。You shall not abhor an Edomite, for he is your brother.

因此我厌恶自己,在尘土和炉灰中懊悔。Therefore I abhor myself, and I repent In dust and ashes.

要是那枝铅做的钝箭射到的人,就会十分厌恶爱情。If the branch of blunt lead the arrows will utterly abhor love.

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你却把我浸在泥坑内,甚至我的衣服都憎恶我。Yet thou shalt plunge me in filth, and my garments shall abhor me.

党内的保守势力痛恨对赤裸性爱内容的宽容。Communist Party conservatives abhor the idea of condoning explicit sex.

不可憎恶埃及人,因为你在他的地上作过寄居的。Do not abhor an Egyptian, because you lived as an alien in his country.

他们厌恶我,躲在旁边站着,不住地吐唾沫在我脸上。They abhor me, they flee far from me, and spare not to spit in my face.

亲爱的,你别生气,要知道我是多么地讨厌你——不不,我是说多么地爱你。Darling, don't be angry. Youknow how much I abhor you—I mean, adore you.

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你还要扔我在坑里,我的衣服都憎恶我。Yet shalt thou plunge me in the ditch, and mine own clothes shall abhor me.

你们怨恨那在城门口责备人的,憎恶那说正直话的。They hate him that rebuketh in the gate, and they abhor him that speaketh uprightly.

我学会了以辩证的角度看待事物,学会了憎恶战争和任何形式的独断专行。I have learned to see the relativity of things, to abhor war, and dogmatism in any form.

她声称厌恶筑路,想要废止筑路,而且愿意口头否认。She claimed to abhor the road, wanted to abolish it, and would give a verbal abnegation.

共和党的人问题是他们厌恶不成体统的政治上的争斗。The problem with Establishment Republicans is they abhor the unseemliness of a political brawl.

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仁顺偶尔听到善英的通话,晓得了善英其实不断厌恶本人。Good English RenShun occasionally hear conversations, know a good English actually constantly abhor himself.

同性恋者却通常憎恶这类东西,并且对于家里的整洁度极其苛刻。Homosexuals often abhor this sort of thing and will also be incredibly particular about the cleanliness of the home.

苏达和敦来了,端哭着说道曾经厌恶本人,农也不准布再提起道。Sue reach and Nathan came, end crying said once abhor himself, agriculture also prohibit cloth again to lodge a way.