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“敦品励学”是学校新颖独特的校训。Xue Li Tun goods" is a unique new school motto."

在三里屯酒吧街,人们可以去不同的类型酒吧。We have a lot of choices in San Li Tun Bar Street.

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根据国际人道组织的说法,郭翁同的健康状况也相当严峻。The health is Ko Aung Tun is also said to be very dire.

是的。它就在仁爱路和敦化南路的转角上。Yes. It's right on the corner of Ren Ai Rd. and Tun Hua S. Rd.

在古老的地狱某一处的烟雾中,有一个这样的桶。Somewhere in the fog of the ancient hells, there is a tun like that.

是北京紫暾科技发展有限公司的控股公司。Beijing is purple Tun Technology Development Co. , Ltd. holding company.

它们表现了映里来到北京后对六里屯的印象。They represent Inri's impression of Liu Li Tun when she came to Beijing.

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它们是对荣荣和映里在六里屯的私生活所做的深入描绘。They are intimate depictions of RongRong and inri's private life at Liu Li Tun.

“沤”指的是食物腐熟消化的地方。" By "fermentation tun" is meant the place where food is decomposed and digested.

我走进大自然,安抚和治疗受创的心灵,并且再次的拾回我对美好事物的感觉。I go to nature, to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in tun once more !

然而,妙吞乌是否能取代耶敏或者他们是否会成为同事一起工作都还很难说。It is unclear, however, whether Tun Oo would replace Ye Myint or they would work together.

马来西亚总理纳吉布宣布此次集会非法,警告人们不要参与。Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak announced that the meeting illegal and warned people not to participate.

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文章提出了深入研究屯堡文化的两大前提和四个必须面对的问题。This article brings forward two major premises and four necessary faced issues in deep research of Tun Pu culture.

乳白色的三人沙发和两个大坐墩儿可以随意组合挪动,金色的镶边扶手增添了一些高贵。Milky three sofas and two large sitting Tun children are free to mix moving, gold trim adds a number of noble handrails.

说着伸手指了被乳母抱在怀里看着书雪钓鱼的弘暾。Said to stretch hand to point to be hugged by the wet nurse looking at in the bosom book sleet goes fishing of Hong Tun.

秦惠王考虑腹忳年纪大了,又只有这一个儿子,就下令赦免他儿子死罪。King of Qin thought that Fu Tun was very old and had only one son so he decided to absolve his son from capital punishment.

家住乡村的人每次进都疯狂购物,大包小包里塞满新巧玩意儿,回家时边走路都摇摇晃晃的。Country people tun wild when they go shopping in the city and stagger home loaded with as many of the exotic items as they can carry.

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访问期间,胡锦涛将会见马来西亚总理纳吉布,并与马来西亚最高元首米詹举行会谈。During his stay in Malaysia, Hu will hold talks with Supreme Head of State Mizan Abidin and meet with Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak.

从事池盐生产的人户主要称为“屯丁”、“池户”或“畦户”。" Persons engaged in lake salt production of households in the main referred to as "Tun D", "Pool households" or "stretch of households.

在新加坡,兽医为两头名为图恩和雅米拉的亚洲大象带来了最合适的圣诞礼物——特制防水止痛靴。In Singapore, vets gave Asian elephants Tun and Jamilah the perfect Christmas gift -- specially made waterproof boots to relieve chronic foot lesions.