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雷诺兹打破常规的设想在国外受到欢迎,特别是发展中国家。Reynolds’ iconoclastic ideas have been welcomed abroad, particularly in the developing world.

随着第一记冷门诞生,叛逆的瑞士人或许会毁掉梦幻决赛。With the first upset of the tournament the iconoclastic Swiss may have spoiled the dream final.

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毁坏圣像运动是在拜占廷帝国历史上影响非常大的事件。The Iconoclastic Controversy exerted a tremendous influence in the history of the Byzantine Empire.

第一场打破传统习俗作品的表演在观众中引起了极大的骚动。The first performance of the iconoclastic composition caused a tremendous hullabaloo in the audience.

即使是如小野兽般的与传统观念想冲的安吉丽娜,貌似都不能让孩子们乖乖就范。Even a beast as iconoclastic as Brangelina, it seems, cannot resist the normalizing force of children.

作为一位艺术家,他是反传统的雕塑家,将各种动物元素嵌入家具的构形。This artist is an iconoclastic sculptor who also reinvents a whole bestiary in the shape of furniture.

它的后继车型,也就是1999年版的新甲壳虫,在历史上并没有那么重要的地位,但它的设计同样特立独行。Its immediate successor, the 1999 New Beetle, is less historically significant but equally iconoclastic.

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他们说,只有和瑞德一样敢于打破常规、敢于与众不同的学校才能采取这样的策略而且活下来。Only a college as iconoclastic and distinctive as Reed, they argue, could pursue such a strategy and survive.

古典的画布上的形象与打破旧习的新观念形成鲜明对比,让人震惊。The contrast between the classical image represented on the canvas and the iconoclastic idea which is construed by the canvas is striking.

方力钧这两幅作品打破了图像的独特性,同时体现了即将改变中国当代艺术的推动力。The two paintings by Fang Lijun embody the iconoclastic style of the times and the impulses that would transform Chinese contemporary art.

在一系列的意料之中和意料之外的胜利中,大部分的重要奖项都被颁发给了外国人和一些打破常规的娱乐行业门外汉们。In a series of startling upsets and a few expected triumphs, almost all of the top Oscars were handed to foreigners and iconoclastic show business outsiders.

在一系列的意料之中和意料之外的胜利中,大部分的重要奖项都被颁发给了外国人和一些打破常规的娱乐行业门外汉们。In a series of startling upsets and a few expected triumphs, almost all of the top Oscars were handed to foreigners and iconoclastic show business outsiders.

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特立独行的詹士·维多在他的第一本书中,为读者展示了他的作品,及毫无约束的商业和教学平面设计作品。In his first book, iconoclastic designer James Victore gives fans a survey of his work and his no-holds-barred take on the practice, business, and teaching of graphic design today.

此外,作者还称这本书是一次大胆反驳,目标直指启蒙运动的“官方历史”。It is also an iconoclastic rebuttal of what he describes as the “official” history of the Enlightenment, the sort of history that he finds “cut in stone” on a visit to the Paris Panthéon.

桀骜不驯、标新立异、外表冷酷又不乏幽默感的Bono具有惊人的影响力,他聚集了世界上最具权势的领袖们来关注艾滋病问题以及非洲的贫穷问题,并采取切实有效的行动。Irreverent, funny, iconoclastic and relentless, Bono has become stunningly effective in bringing the world's most powerful leaders to take seriously the problems of AIDS and African poverty.

纽约--曾几何时,小企业被仅仅看作是奇特的,破除因袭的门外汉,他们愿意放弃安稳的企业职业生涯,以开创自己的事业。NEW YORK -- Once upon a time, small business was seen solely as the domain of idiosyncratic, iconoclastic outsiders, willing to forgo the security of corporate life to venture out on their own.

释迦摩尼在他的时代是很独特的,他出生在一个仪式繁多的社会里,而他的思想与他的时代完全相反。The Buddha was considered contrary in his own day. He was born into an intensely over-ritualized society, and his ideas appeared thoroughly iconoclastic to the established hierarchy of his own era.