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而且有的演员还会即兴发挥。However, some actors can improvise.

领唱歌手也可以有很多即兴发挥。And the lead singer can improvise a lot.

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员工们始终在改善产品和即兴发挥。They improve and improvise all the time.

他们总是有备而来,从不临时行事。They are well prepared and never improvise.

演员要是忘记台词,那就只好即兴现编。If an actor forgets his words, he has to improvise.

教堂风琴手可能以基础低音即兴演奏。The church organist may improvise on a ground bass.

我忘了我的演讲词,所以我只得临时凑合。I forgot the words of my speech, so I had to improvise.

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当然,在两周内,我们会试着去想出一些片段。Sure, in two weeks, we did try to improvise some things.

该网站没有按T有一个标志,所以你应该即兴之一。The site doesn t have a logo, so you should improvise one.

有些拍片人根本不用分镜头剧本,边拍边即兴发挥。A few makers use no script AT all but improvise as they go along.

台风吹塌了我们的房子后,我们得执生执了好几个星期。After the typhoon destroyed our house, we had to improvise for weeks.

今晚的讲演我没有准备讲稿,所以只有现场发挥了。I haven’t written a speech for tonight so I’ll just have to improvise.

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即兴创作一支歌曲比即兴创作一部交响曲要简单得多。It is much easier to improvise a song than it is to improvise a symphony.

开始时他们没有多少生活必需品,所以只好东拼西凑。They had few essential supplies, to begin with, so they had to improvise.

更好的办法是试试站式桌子,或者准备一张高工作台。Better yet, try a standing desk — or improvise with a high table or counter.

你们闲逸地弹琴奏乐,又为自己制造乐器,像大卫一样。You strum away on your harps like David and improvise on musical instruments.

通过琴以及琴与诗的完美结合与观众进行思想与情感的交流。Besides these, he will improvise according to poems suggested by the audience.

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知觉意味着他或她是倾向于即兴发挥,寻求其他途径。Perceiving means that he or she is inclined to improvise and seek alternatives.

房间里只有一张床,所以他们中得有一人必须凑合睡在地毯上。There is only one bed in the room, so one of them has to improvise on the carpet.

书画笔会可联合创作或即席挥毫。The participants can either may engage in joint creation or improvise on the spot.