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约翰逊打出斜线球回击,球打到了底线右角。Johnson returns it crosscourt , deep to the right baseline comer.

当你打出一个正手斜线穿越的时候,是否感觉很特别?Q. Do you feel something special when there's like a running crosscourt forehand?

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因此简单的办法是打个半场斜线,所以我就在那儿等着了。So the simple shot is to go crosscourt and, yeah, so I kind of was waiting there.

德约科维奇能将球打的很深或者很开压着线。Djokovic can hit the ball crosscourt or open up the court with a shot down the line.

你喜欢打反手穿越,大范围跑动然后正手接二发。You like to take the backhand crosscourt and to run around and hit forehands off second serves.

“我的队员试图传一个跨越半场的传球,结果那个球直接飞到了观众席第五排,这是我打我干这行以来从没见过的奇迹。”布朗说。"We try to throw a crosscourt pass, it goes in the fifth row, things I haven't seen before, " Brown said.

他们会装作要打直线球的样子而在最后一秒改成斜线球。He or she can wind up and appear to crush a shot then at the last second changes it into a crosscourt drop.

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假设你的对手在右侧发球区击球,壁球穿越壁球场反弹至左侧发球区域。Let's say your opponent hits a crosscourt from the right-hand serve box area to the left-hand serve box area.

他冷静地大力击出一记致胜的穿越球,然后双拳高举,庆祝胜利。He calmly yanked his shot crosscourt for a winner, then punched the air with both fists to celebrate the knockout.

要记住你不仅仅是盲目的大力击球,而是要先进行20个直线击球,然后是20个斜线球。Keep in mind that you're not just blindly hitting the ball hard. Try to control a twenty shot drive drill and then crosscourt to the other side for another twenty shot drive drill.