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德洛梅测绘产品。Delorme mapping products.

精确测绘犁沟距间。Mapping the furrow exactly.

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是一个数据库映射工具。One2one is a database- mapping tool.

Sinatra是直接映射到HTTP的。Sinatra is a direct mapping to HTTP.

扩展映射文档文件格式Extension mapping document file format

你可以从映射模型完成这个步骤。You'll do this from the mapping model.

人类基因图谱数据库建立.Human Gene Mapping database established.

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映射可以解决所有这些问题。Mapping can solve all of these problems.

映射子查询和聚合功能Mapping subquery and aggregate functions

最后讨论了此规范与WSRF之间的映射。Finally the mapping to WSRF was discussed.

把OVF映射到OCCI基础设施模型Mapping OVF to OCCI’s Infrastructure Model

要创建新的中间相遇映射,请执行以下操作To create a new meet-in-the-middle mapping

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便于数据映射和转换。Facilitates data mapping and transformation.

如何使用会议思维导图模板How to use the Meeting Mind Mapping Template

导入音频文件,绘出音频波形图。WAV, Import audio files, audio wave mapping.

这是法线贴图运作时所必须的。This is necessary for normal mapping to work.

建立了地形数据与图形空间的映射关系。And the mapping of terrain data and graphics space.

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外部映射会重写基于属性的映射。External mapping overrides attribute-based mapping.

图19显示了这种映射的一个详细的示例。Figure 19 shows a detailed example of this mapping.

映射可以是单向的或者双向的。The mapping can be unidirectional or bidirectional.