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突然刺痛般的疼痛还是钝痛?Is it a stabbing pain or a bull pain?

印度捅了自己一刀,谢谢印度。Thank you India for stabbing yourself.

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就像是一个机器人在刺着那个男孩。He was just like a robot stabbing the guy.

他突然感到腹部一阵剧烈疼痛。He was struck by a stabbing pain in his midriff.

福建南平杀死8名小学生的郑民生被判死刑。Man stands trial over stabbing 8 pupils to death.

实际上先捅了他在抓他也是这样。So would stabbing him and then grabbing him, in fact.

阳光刺痛双眸却带不走伤痕。The sun stabbing pain but eyes take don't walk scars.

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这次事件是自那时起的第一件凶杀案。The stabbing was the first slaying on campus since then.

请接好套管扶正台的气管线。Please connect the air line to the casing stabbing board.

请接好套管扶正台的气管线。Please connect the are line to the casing stabbing board.

这种暗箭伤人的做法给新闻界带来了很不好的名声。This kind of stabbing in the back gives journalism a bad name.

看到这则报道,我十分震惊,内心被深深地刺痛。I was shocked by the story and felt a stabbing pain in my heart.

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王子被迫用船头刺死了厄斯拉。The prince is forced to kill Ursula by stabbing her with a ship.

你很运气,抡劫犯没捅死你,只是打了你一下。You're really lucky the mugger just hit you instead of stabbing you.

徒手打斗和刺伤是最常见的类型。Unarmed brawling and stabbing were the most common types of violence.

这件事情发生在“每日大事”报道刺杀事件之后。The incident began after a stabbing was reported at the all-day event.

阳光象一柄红色利剑,刺透了一层层黑暗。The red knife of light appeared stabbing the darkness through and through.

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我们会有更多的工作、更多的钱,而不用被一个假装的盟友背后捅一刀。We'll have more jobs, more money and lest back stabbing by a pretend ally.

这种明白的杀人案,怎么这么复杂?What do they want to do to make such a clear stabbing case so complicated?

然而,李翔遇刺身亡的确引起了记者界的不安。Regardless, the stabbing has had caused unease among journalists in the city.