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因此本文对行政责任进行道义论分析。Therefore this article tries to analyse administrative responsibility by deontology.

知情同意的道德基础可以从义务论和目的论两个方面得到辩护。The theory of informed consent can be justified from two aspects of deontology and teleology.

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在我国,规范论和目的论是相互对立的,并且似乎缺乏深层沟通的愿望。In our country, deontology and teleology are opposite and have no deep wish to understand each other.

布兰特援引认知理论以及道义论原则,笔者认为这才使功利主义从其困境中走出。Richard B. Brand appeals to the theory of knowledge of action and deontology , and saves utilitarianism from its dilemma.

功利主义的效益论与基于权利论的道义论在解决这一问题上给予我启迪。Utilitarian benefit's theory and deontology based upon rights give me enlightenment. This paper falls into four chapters.

在本文的第二部分,就对道义论的概念、发展阶段及具体内容和康德的道义论进行了介绍。In chapter 2, I make an introduction of the concept of the deontology, its development phases, detailed contents and Kantian"s deontology."

根据道德主体行为的环境,道义论和功利论可通过两种模式融合在一起,从而形成两种道德选择的框架。According to the circumstance of the act, utilitarianism and deontology can be integrated together in two modes, thus two frameworks for moral decision-making can be formed.

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它蕴含着个体与社会、理智与情感、道义与功利、差异与普遍、经验与超验之间的一切秘密。It contains all theses secrets between individual and society, sense and sensibility, utilitarian and deontology , otherness and universality, experience and super-experience.

契合论之所以必要,是因为罗尔斯对义务论的说明,以及正当优先于「好」的解释,均没有正式处理道德动机的优先性问题。This theory is necessary because Rawls's account of deontology and the notion of priority of the right over the good do not really deal with the problem of motivational priority.

首先,人的存在与社会历史发展都是一种表达性过程,义务论、自然法理乃证立表达自由的根本路径。First of all, either human existence or social evolution is an expressive activity and process, so justifying the freedom of expression should be based upon the natural law and deontology.

从目的论思维方法的角度来看,出于婴儿自身利益为优先考虑的安乐死行为具有道德合理性。而持义务论的人通常对其持反对态度。The euthanasia of the badly handicapped newborn is moral on half of the newborn themselves in theory from the angle of teleology, at the same time, the deontology often objects to the euthanasia.