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我囊空如洗。I am bare in purse.

桌子光秃秃的。The table was bare.

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光秃秃的枫树丫枝。Maple branches bare.

光着大脚板。And his big feet bare.

空言不能成交易。Bare words, no bargain.

空言不能成交。Bare words , no bargain.

那张小办公桌上一无所有。The small desk was bare.

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在裸体海滩上一丝不挂。Bare all on a nude beach.

一片荒原,不毛之地。A barren land, bare waste.

这只灰色无釉的坛子。The jar was gray and bare.

他勉强能读能写。He can bare read and write.

空言无所不能成交易。Bare not phrases, no bargain.

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蝗虫把乡下的庄稼吃得净光。Locusts ate the country bare.

别点我的光屁股了!Quit clicking on my bare ass!

小山顶上光秃秃的。The top of the hill was bare.

但这些山脉崎岖不平,光秃秃的。But these were rugged and bare.

我将及时承上我的灵魂。And I will bare my soul in time.

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她是穿长筒袜还是没有穿?Does she wear hose or bare legs?

我用一只光着的脚踩住那张便条。I put one bare foot on the note.

现在,整间屋子就空空如也了。The room is now completely bare.