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做些预防治疗。Do some preventive self-treatment.

种了一次牛痘,起预防作用。Vaccination has a preventive effect.

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是很有效的预防剂。This has proved an effective preventive.

这是个新主意—预防性医疗。Here's a novel idea -- preventive medicine.

卫生学已逐渐发展成为预防医学。Hygiene has evolved into preventive medicine.

种牛痘防天花是有效的。Vaccination is a preventive against smallpox.

从一种治疗途径走向预防途径。To move from a curative to a preventive approach.

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而皮特曼医生说,夫妇们可采取一些预防性措施。But Pittman says couples can take preventive steps.

如何制定预防性和促进性行动措施?How to develop the preventive and facilitative actions?

安排设备的日常点检,保养。Arrange the machine daily check, preventive maintenance.

我决定进行预防性的双乳切除手术。I made a decision to have a preventive double mastectomy.

我决定进行一个预防性的双乳腺切除手术。I made a decision to have a preventive double mastectomy.

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你们是否建立了预防性的维护程序?Do you have an established preventive maintenance program?

欧洲人吃瓜作为预防晕船的方法。Europeans take melons for a preventive against seasickness.

二要强化预控措施的落实。Two to strengthen the implementation of preventive measures.

事实上,病媒控制是唯一的预防措施。In fact, vector control is the one and only preventive measure.

医生们传播有关预防医学的知识。The doctors disseminated information about preventive medicine.

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企业家这样使用律师,叫做防范性法律顾问工作。This use of lawyers by business people is called preventive law.

由于多形性胶质母细胞瘤的病因不清,至今尚没有预防办法。As the causes of GBM are unknown, there are no preventive measures.

来自美国预防服务专职小组,罗克韦尔市,马里兰州。From the U. S. Preventive Services Task Force, Rockville, Maryland.