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这些是与你们不洁净的。They are unclean for you.

吃完东西后他的脸很脏。His face is unclean after eating.

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我们都像不干净的东西,我们都被玷污了。We are all like an unclean thing, all defiled.

谁能使洁净之物出于污秽之中呢。Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean?

一般说来。邋里邋遢者就是懒汉。An unclean person is universally a slothful one.

吃了不干净的食物使孩子得了病。Eating unclean food resulted in the child's illness.

凡俗而不洁净的物,从来没有入过我的口。Nothing impure or unclean has ever entered my mouth.

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吃不洁的“烤羊肉串”也是致病原因。Eating unclean "kebabs" is also a cause of the disease.

逃离不洁与罪恶,并躲避一切虚谎。Fleeing unclean and evil and evading all other falseness.

你看,你洗了汽车,但是没有把窗子打扫乾净。You see, you washed the car, but left the Windows unclean.

你看,你洗了汽车,但是没有把窗子擦干净。You see, you washed the car, but left the windows unclean.

所以神圣的女性被妖魔化,而被称为不洁。And so the sacred feminine was demonized and called unclean.

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牛奶通常不止被掺假,也不卫生。Not only was milk commonly adulterated, it was often unclean.

彼得却说,主阿,这是不可的,凡俗物,和不洁净的物,我从来没有吃过。Peter replied. "I have never eaten anything impure or unclean."

所有这些都是来自内在的恶念,才会使人污秽不洁。All these evil things come from within and make a person unclean.

祭司要定他为不洁净,不用将他关锁,因为他是不洁净了。He is not to put him in isolation, because he is already unclean.

他们不允许上帝的圣事被视为不洁净。They do not allow the holy things of God to be treated as unclean.

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一切开著口,没有盖上盖的器皿,都成了不洁的。The vessel that hath no cover, nor binding over it, shall be unclean.

但神已经指示我,无论什么人,都不能看作俗而不洁净的。But God has shown me that I should not call any man impure or unclean.

摸了人死尸的,就必七天不洁净。He that toucheth the dead body of any man shall be unclean seven days.