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这是一个未开发过的需求”。There was a real untapped demand.

其他来源,包括尚未开发的格陵兰。Other sources, untapped as yet, include Greenland.

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我知道我们每一个人都有自己打不开的心锁。I know that each of us has its own untapped heart lock.

目前,琶洲岛仍是一块尚未开发的处女地。Currently, Pazhou Island is a piece of untapped virgin land.

我们紧挨着的加拿大南部地区蕴含巨大的仍未开发利用的水利资源。We are just south of huge untapped hydro resources in Canada.

瑞星杀毒软件的所有监控都打不开了怎么办?Rising antivirus software are all monitoring the untapped how do?

我知道我有潜力未被发掘,但是我总是有一种在挣扎的感觉。I knew I had untapped potential, but I always felt as if I was floundering.

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我向你保证,当时机来临的时候,你会被你未开发的潜能所震惊。I promise you, your untapped abilities will surprise you when the time comes.

我将去接你,和你同去采撷无穷的幸福。I'm always there for you, and for my boundless bliss , untapped and unstudied.

我将去接你,和你同去采颉无穷的幸福。I'm always there for you, and for our boundless bliss, untapped and unstudied.

水平钻井法能获取原来无法获取的新的石油资源。Drilling horizontally opens up new oil resources that would otherwise go untapped.

西方企业常常还没有探索这些领域,所以这些都是未开发的市场。Western companies have not often explored these segments so they are untapped markets.

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对于Groupon这等尚处成长阶段的西方初创公司来说,中国代表着大片有待开发的潜在市场。For budding Western startups like Groupon, China represents a lot of untapped potential.

当它被移回时,它是未横置的,作为一张新下场的牌来处理。When it returns to play, it comes back untapped and is treated as a new version of the card.

翁说,"这里有大量的潜在需求,没有必要出口。“There is so much untapped demand here that there's absolutely no need to export,” says Weng.

“这类革新象征着一个广阔的,尚未开发的市场得到了认可”。This kind of innovation is symbolic of the recognition of a vast, untapped market opportunity.

翁说,"这里有大量的潜在需求,没有必要出口。“There is so much untapped demand here that there’s absolutely no need to export, ” says Weng.

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换句话说,易访问性是一个具有潜在高效益的尚未打开的市场机会。In other words, accessibility is an untapped market opportunity with potentially high rewards. 1

他在喝得起优质咖啡的忙碌都市人中,发现了一个未开发的市场。He recognized an untapped market in busy individuals in urban areas who could afford fine coffees.

许多成功人士用过这一技巧,我也确实发现它有不可限量的潜力。It’s been used by many successful people, and I’ve only recently discovered its untapped potential.