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一只猫沿路走来。Along came a cat.

我们都相处得很好。We all get along.

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一辆公交车进站了。Along comes a bus.

于是我也跟着去了。So I went along too.

我们继续走。We're walking along.

让我们和好相处。Let's get along well.

沿着那条路直走。Walk along that road.

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缤纷的爬满了山坡。caper along the hill.

请继续上课。So we will move along.

那只熊笨拙地行走着。The bear lumped along.

这个虫子慢慢地爬来。The worm inched along.

这条虫子向前慢慢移动着。The worm inched along.

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为什么我们就…合得来?Can't We All Get Along?

沿着中央大街走。Go along Centre Street.

沿着新华街走。Go along Xinhua Street.

连同我一起变旧!Grow old along with me!

我将随同你一起去。I'll go along with you.

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汽船突突地前进。The boat chugged along.

卡车颠簸着前进。The truck jerked along.

一部卡车隆隆地开过。A truck clattered along.