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他是学校篮球队的队长。He is the headman of school basket ball team.

傍晚,大臣带着村民返回村里。The headman brought all the villagers home in the evening.

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不久,村民完全接纳了大臣。Before long the headman was completely accepted by the villagers.

而我,你们的船长,拥有的将是头人的妻子!As for me, who am your Captain, now be mine the Headman 's wife! '

在向他们表示祝贺之后,我采访了他们的队长武毅。After congratulations on them, I interview the headman of the group.

村长和村民们告诉给他们的粮食,让他们留在清真寺里。And the headman tells the villagers to give them food and let them stay at the mosque.

领头的吉普赛人显然被吓坏了,正在紧张地试图解释。The headman of the gypsies, cowed and nervous, was apparently trying to offer explanations.

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到了约定时日,大臣召集全部村民,带入丛林。When the day arrived, the headman assembled all the villagers and led them into the jungle.

“你顾忌宫里那个老头子?”海浮石不以为然道。"Do you have scruples about that old headman in the temple?"The sea pumice disagrees a way.

图为英国咏春教头狄士默于一九八九年五月访问本会时摄。This photo was taken during the visit of Nick Smart, headman of British Wing Tsun Organization, to the VTAA in May 1989.

这个大臣不仅头脑灵活,而且贪婪,并不满足于收税所得。In addition to being clever, the headman was also very greedy. Collecting the king's taxes was not enough reward for him.

这起抢劫消息很快传到国王耳里。他召回大臣,依法惩治。Before long, news of the crime reached the king. He recalled the treacherous headman and punished him according to the law.

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要知道他这一结婚,就多了三个人吃饭,生活重担只会让他把头压得更低。Need to know his this one get married, much three people eat , the difficult task living may let his headman press on lower only.

响马头子紧紧皱起眉头,飞身就要过去救人,可是此时此刻哪里来得及!Ring headman horse to tightly pucker up eyebrows, flying the body ambition work to save a person, but at this moment where in period!

昨天我遇到村里的一位渔民头儿,要求他允许我们把放在地上的装垃圾的米袋挂起来。Yesterday I met with the headman of the fishing village, and asked that we be allowed to hang up rice sacks for the rubbish on the ground.

尽管社区中仍维持部落的长老、头目等传统领导位阶,但影响力已不复以往。Although the community still maintains the traditional leadership ranks of tribal elder, headman and the like, their influence is not what it once was.

哈道盟引进于日本的优秀种公,身高23公分,毛色深红,毛量大,体态方正,是国内不可多得的名犬。Tank is imported from Japan by Headman with a height of 23 centimeters. Its fur is carmine and thick and its bodily form is square which is rare in China.

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发展土司文化旅游产业是一条可行的方法,对三峡库区社会经济的发展将起到重要作用。A feasible way is developing tourism estate of minority headman culture. It will produce important action to developing social economy of the Three Gorges of Yangtze River.