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这只鸟胸前有棕色斑点。The bird's breast is flecked with brown.

麻辣鸡在街上晾着。Chickens flecked with chili drying in the street.

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“行刑!”巫师的嘴里溅出了泡沫。"Get on with it! " Foam flecked the wizard's lips.

不多久它那绿绿的层层叠叠的藤和叶子就爬满了围墙。Not long after, the wall was flecked with green vines and leaves.

在黑暗中,它的眼睛微弱的闪耀著,它的金黄色的斑点于虹膜上。In the darkness , his eyes glitter faintly , his irises flecked with gold.

车身周围的泥浆,形成了一些小斑点,闪耀如钻石。The mud around the car was flecked with dozens of tiny, glittering diamonds.

这个特写镜头显示了华盛顿的带有嫩黄色花粉、鲜艳的紫色番红花。A close-up shows purple crocuses flecked with bright yellow pollen in Washington, D.C.

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每日图片。特写镜头说明紫番红花有斑点和鲜黄色花粉在华盛顿特区。A close-up shows purple crocuses flecked with bright yellow pollen in Washington, D. C.

他的咳嗽已经不像以前那样厉害,痰里也不再有血斑了。His cough was not so severe as it had been and sputum was no longer flecked with blood.

提利昂极其厌恶浅色的眼睛,泰温大人的眼睛就是泛着金光的浅绿色。The dwarf misliked pale eyes. Lord Tywin's eyes had been pale green and flecked with gold.

在你的个人标记页面上,你会找到你所有标记的网页以及别人与你分享的网页。On your personal fleck page you'll find all your flecked pages and the pages others shared with you.

但雨已经拍打着身后的湖水和她正在跑向的树的树叶子。Already, the rain flecked the water behind her and pattered the leaves as she races beneath the trees.

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最后还需要小心地进行修饰,尤其是裂口周围油漆脱落的地方。Some careful retouching was ultimately required, especially where paint had flecked off around the tear.

身后,雨下了起来,湖面波纹斑驳。雨点打在树叶上,她在树下跑。But already the rain flecked the water behind her and pattered the leaves as she raced beneath the trees.

无奈他只能看见带着点点泡沫的蓝色海浪和灰蓝色的天空,海浪和天空不间断地延伸到地平线的尽头。What he saw was blue waves flecked with foam, and paler blue sky, both spreading without a break to the horizon.

在加拿大的北育空国家公园里,几个结冰的池塘散落在冻原上。Photograph by George F. Mobley Frost- flecked tundra pools dot the landscape of Canada's North Yukon National Park.

有一天我在小树林里看见一只长着黑色斑点的英国种塞特猎犬,尾巴上缠着几根酸模芒刺。Then one day I saw a hunting dog in the woods, an English setter flecked with black. His tail tangled with dock burs.

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一名作家还发现了一个不大的锰矿堆积体和一些粘染有铀痕迹或者带着铜绿斑痕的矿石标本。A writer has found a small deposit of manganese ore and rock specimens flecked with uranium or stained green by copper.

他三下五除二地冲净了带有斑点的鱼鳞以及里面鲜红的鱼肉,然后把鱼包裹在纸里,再放进一个塑料袋。He rinsed the flecked mesh of scales and the red flesh inside, then wrapped the fish in paper and put it in a plastic bag.

汉语中有关玉的描写俯拾皆是。许多人说,他们相信玉具有医疗、甚至魔术般的功能。Contemporary Chinese is flecked with references to jade and many people say they believe it has medicinal and even magical powers.