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最近,我有一种顿悟。I had an epiphany recently.

昨晚我突然灵光一现,这将改变我的人生。I had a life-changing epiphany last night.

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立普生是一个虔诚的基督徒。Lipson, a devout Christian, had an epiphany.

因此你没有告诉任何人关于灵光顿悟的事。So you don’t tell a soul about your epiphany.

不要告诉我你是个刚过了个主显节。Don't tell me you've had a religious epiphany.

可能我应该在开公司之前就有所顿悟的。Probably I should have epiphany before we started it.

他期待世界上出现一个新的圣显。He expectantly awaits a new epiphany of Spirit in the world.

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就是在此时此地,你感受到了灵光顿悟。It is here, in this quiet moment, that you have an epiphany.

这个觉悟推动了我的目标,我这个选择的目标是什么呢?This epiphany fueled my mission. What was my mission of choice?

在那一刻的顿悟是会令你感到非常震撼的。This split-second epiphany of understanding is rather astonishing.

感受微风抚面、夕阳西下,我心生顿悟。With fresh air breezing by, and the sun setting, I had an epiphany.

但是经济所要求的与我们必要的顿悟大相径庭。But what the economy required was at odds with a necessary epiphany.

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然而,前几天我心头的一个想法却让这个事实变得不那么难以接受了。However the other day I had an epiphany that made this truth acceptable.

类似的神迹在南乔治亚岛的每一个海湾呈现。This sort of epiphany waits in almost every bay and inlet of South Georgia.

2008年夏,当Gentry正在IBM实习的时候,他猛然觉悟。In the summer of 2008, when Gentry was interning at IBM, he had an epiphany.

此外,文章之余的情节都太流于文艺女青年的爱情顿悟。In addition, the remaining plot are way too literary young woman love epiphany.

他记得有一次在前往参加一个会议的飞机上,曾经有过一个顿悟。He remembers being on a plane on his way to a conference and having an epiphany.

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对于艾格尔斯顿来说,这本书刚开始描述的是一种摄影的顿悟。It begins with a description of what, for Eggleston, was a photographic epiphany.

这个顿悟是史马吉扶轮生涯中两个决定性的经验之一。That epiphany was the first of two defining experiences in Smarge's Rotary career.

调试也是很难学的东西之一,学习起来很慢。It's slow, slow, and you suddenly have an epiphany. And you now get the hang of it.