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过量的树脂悬浮于粗匀浆中。Excess resin is suspended in the crude homogenate.

其余部分结肠组织匀浆测定MPO活性。Measure the MPO activity of the rest part of colon in homogenate.

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目的确定家蝇幼虫匀浆液的抗病毒作用。Objective To define the antiviral activity of Musca domestica larva homogenate.

并在匀浆和碟片的表面之间需要有良好的热接触。Good thermal contact between homogenate and the surface of the disc is required.

各组肠粘膜匀浆中肿瘤坏死因子含量的比较。Comparison of tnf content in intestinal mucous membrane homogenate between groups.

生菜浆较熟菜浆的抑制作用更强。The inhibitory effect increased with the enhanced contents of the vegetable homogenate.

方法采用新鲜牛脊髓前角匀浆免疫豚鼠。Methods Guinea pigs were immunized with fresh bovine spinal cord ventral horn homogenate.

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说明吸烟烟气能够导致大鼠肺匀浆和线粒体脂质过氧化。This indicated the GPCS could cause lipid peroxidation of lung homogenate and mitochondria in rats.

方法将切除下来的脑胶质瘤制成肿瘤组织匀浆,超低温保存,备用。Methods Homogenate made from resected brain gliomas was conserved under ultralow temperature for use.

该方法是一种较为理想的茶皂素提取方法。The homogenate extraction is an ideal method to extract theasaponin from Camellia oleifera Abel. meal.

闪式提取法是一种快速有效的提取牛蒡苷的方法。Results indicated that homogenate extraction was an effective method to extract arctiin from Arctium lappa L.

它穿透薄薄的碟片,并最终达到在蓝宝石碟片表面上的匀浆。It penetrates through a thin disc and eventually reaches the homogenate on a top surface of the sapphire disc.

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测定血清丙二醛含量和总SOD活性以及肝组织匀浆中的脂褐素含量。The content of MDA in serum and lipofuscin in liver homogenate and the activity of T SOD in serum were detected.

这种选择性激发的结果就是在匀浆中产生的热量会尽快达到它所需要的到达的温度。As a result of selective excitation, heat will be generated in a homogenate leading to an increase of its temperature.

碟片的传输速度很快从而使尽可能多地入射激光功率射入匀浆。The transmission of the disc should be high so that as much as possible of the incident laser power reaches the homogenate.

同样剂量的丙线照射后,胰腺组织匀浆上清液中的胰酶活性无变化。With the used dosage of radiation, the enzymatic activities inthe supernatant of pancreatic tissue homogenate remained unchanged.

目的探讨重型颅脑损伤患者应用匀浆膳联合酸奶行肠内营养治疗的临床效果。Objective To investigate the efficacy of enteral nutrition support using homogenate diet and yogurt in patients with severe head injury.

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研究测定了阿苯达唑和奥芬达唑对猪囊尾蚴组织匀浆延胡索酸还原酶活性的抑制作用。The activity of fumaric reductase in Cysticercus cellulosae tissue homogenate with albendazole and oxfendazole individually was detected.

建立了微量对硝基酚戊酸酯法测定小鼠皮肤匀浆脂族酯酶活力。A microassay method for aliesterase activity with p-nitrophenyl valerate was established and tried outwith mouse skin homogenate aliesterase.

目的探讨注射供者的肝匀浆提取液对大鼠淋巴细胞功能及大鼠异位移植心的影响。Objective To explore the effect of injecting the donor's liver homogenate filtrate on lymphocyte function and heterotopic heart allograft in the rats.