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先扔给玛丽露。Toss it first to Mary Lou.

先扔给劳拉李。Toss it first to Laura Lee.

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请双方过来猜先!Please come and toss a coin!

现在我们可以,看到投掷的过程。And now we can watch the toss.

嘿,简,把我的毛衣扔出来。Hi. Jane, toss my sweater out!

擦拭厨房的工作台面和辗转。Wipe the countertops and toss.

咱们掷钱币决定最后一张票归谁。Let's toss up for the last ticket.

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把瓶子扔给我好吗,蒂米?Toss me the bottle,will you,Timmy?

把那些期望也扔进海里吧。Toss those wishes in the ocean too.

蚊子摇晃在瓶子的阴影里。Gnats toss in the shadow of a bottle.

我们队在主场是难以击败的。Our team is very hard to toss at home.

我队掷钱币猜中,所以先玩。Our team won the toss so we play first.

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这个防漏围兜您将不愿意抛。The leak-proof bib you'll hate to toss.

我和你掷硬币决定谁来做打扫。I'll toss you for who does the cleaning.

把那些证明文件扔掉吧,没用了。Toss those papers out, they are useless.

你辗转反侧,但总也睡不着。You toss and turn, but sleep won't come.

不要将你用碎布搓成的绳子抛给我。Do not toss me your rope made of tatters.

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使用肝素是背水一战了。Heparin was a desperate toss of the dice.

然而,长夜漫漫,我辗转反侧,直到黎明。The night drags on, and I toss till dawn.

室友们睡觉时翻来翻去。My roommates toss and turn in their sleep.