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只有书呆子才相信使人困惑会有好处。Only pedants believe in the advantage of obfuscation.

爱到不敢靠近,在酒精的迷乱和亢奋之下,才会大胆的向前。Love dare not to close to, in alcohol obfuscation and excited, will boldly forward.

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将密码隐藏在视线触及不到的位置是增加安全方案模糊度的常用策略。Hiding in plain sight is a common tactic for adding obfuscation to a security scheme.

八国集团在模糊、操纵数字方面绝对是大师。The G8 countries are absolute masters when it comes to obfuscation and manipulating data.

这个配置可以保护促进链接的服务器,主要通过混淆技术。This configuration can protect the servers that are further up the chain, mainly through obfuscation.

迄今为止,中国政府仍然以保密和模糊的态度处理群众抗议事件。Today secrecy and obfuscation still characterize the government's response to episodes of mass protests.

如果我们模糊应用程序的流程也使用“控制流模糊处理”的模糊处理功能?What if we obfuscate the application flow too using the "Control Flow Obfuscation" feature in Dotfuscator?

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对密码模糊度和测量总计时的补充是击键需求之间的精度。A complement to the obfuscation and total timing measurements is a precision between keystrokes requirement.

从这漫长的困惑和反复的过程中我们所学到的是不要再对官方的一再承诺抱有希望。The lesson of this long process of obfuscation and retreat is to place no faith in official statements of reassurance.

因此,您将需要使用生成后步骤在部署过程以外执行模糊处理。Therefore, you will have to perform the obfuscation outside of the deployment process, perhaps using a post-build step.

理论上,这可能有助于英国的努力,抑或这可能使结果百思不得其解,也会使得旧怨未解又添新愁。That could in theory bolster the British efforts—or it could result in obfuscation , and be used to advance old grievances.

模糊处理图,所有模糊处理程序版本相同的格式,所以任何人都可以测试这个名字解决他们自己的代码的工具。Obfuscation maps have the same format for all obfuscator editions, so anyone can test this name resolving tool on their own code.

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后者依旧昏迷并没有清醒过来,但撕毁是在承受着什么巨大的痛楚一般,眉头蹙的更加深。The latter remain the obfuscation didn't broad awake, but tore and was bearing what huge of painful common, eyebrows Cu of extra deep.

利用代码混淆技术深藏执行校验和计算的代码区,将会防止对程序进行静态分析。The sections of code which perform the checksumming operations may be further hidden using code obfuscation techniques to prevent static analysis.

在本文中,我们将讨论单击鼠标时按下的时间或者键盘及鼠标行为结合在一起如何能够实现更高级别的访问验证。In this article, we discuss how mouse-click hold times, or a combination of keyboard and mouse activity can enable new levels of access-requirements obfuscation.

为了应对网页木马中利用内嵌链接动态生成和代码混淆技术实现的隐藏机制,建立了一种全面基于网页动态视图的网页木马检测方法。A dynamic page view based drive-by download detection method was developed to address the challenge hidden drive-by downloads which abuse inline linking dynamics creation and obfuscation.