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吊杆麦克风!Boom mike!

为什么如此繁荣?So why the boom?

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蒙古也要繁荣了。Mongolia is about to boom.

她听到轰隆一声雷响。She heard a boom of thunder.

还是似军乐队声震云霄?。Or boom like a military band?

他认为这种繁荣的海市蜃楼。He thinks the boom is a mirage.

请把吊杆甩到外档。Please swing the boom over side.

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他开始对大脑进行电击,然后突然之间He started zapping it and "Boom."

本论文写的是臂架型的。This paper is about the type boom.

这种担忧正是这轮繁荣的幕后推手I think the boom was driven by fear.

几乎与51年的繁荣相当It's almost as big as the 1951 boom.

对曲臂进行了直接优化分析。Optimizes the bending boom directly.

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现在有了一片繁荣的硅谷。And you have the Silicon Valley boom.

但是,也有些繁荣是建立在希望之上。But some of the boom is based on hope.

最近房地产生意很景气。There is the recent boom in real estate.

你们管结尾的那"邦"的一声叫什么What do you call that "Boom" At the end?

为什么出现全球性的繁荣Why would we have an international boom?

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这股热潮是帮助或是伤害了你的生意?Does the boom help or hurt your business?

“基儿潮”的证据哪儿哪儿都是。Evidence of the gayby boom is everywhere.

这是一个密切跟进的原尾繁荣。It is a close-up of the original tail boom.