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结果有16例梅毒患者脑脊液存在梅毒抗体。Results 16 syphilitic had one or more than one treponemal antibodies in CSF.

梅毒被治愈的人对新的梅毒感染有免疫能力。People who have been cured of syphilis are immune to new syphilitic infections.

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梅毒性脊髓树胶肿非手术治疗的临床疗效较颅内树胶肿稍差。The clinical efficacy of Syphilitic cerebral gumma with non-surgical treatment was better than spinal cord one.

梅毒是由梅毒螺旋体引起的传染病,主要经由性行为传播。Syphilis is the infectious disease which causes by the syphilitic spirochaeta , mainly disseminates by way of the sex act.

方法在透射电镜下观察梅毒硬下疳组织细胞超微病理变化。Methods The ultrastructural pathological changes of syphilitic chancre were examined with transmission electron microscopy.

结论青年人脑梗塞的病因以动脉粥样硬化、心源性脑栓塞、梅毒性动脉炎最常见。Conclusion The common causes of brain infarction in the young are atherosclerosis, cardiogenic brain infarction and syphilitic arteritis.

梅毒主要通过男女性文时皮肤或钻胶直接接触带有梅毒螺旋体而感染。Syphilis mainly through male or female article when the skin or drills the rubber immediate contact to have the syphilitic spirochaeta to infect.

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结论青年人脑梗死的病因以动脉粥样硬化、心源性脑栓塞、梅毒性动脉炎最常见。Conclusion The most common causes for cerebral infarction on young patients include arteriosclerosis, cardiogenic cerebral thrombus, syphilitic arteritis.

结论梅毒血清固定患者易产生抑郁情绪,且对其生活质量产生深远的影响。Conclusion Syphilitic patients with sero-resistence may easily have a depressive emotion, and sero-resistence has far-reaching effects on the quality of life.

对25具被梅毒感染过的骨骼的分析研究表明,这些骨骼上发生的可怕损坏来自于一种叫做梅毒螺旋体的病毒细菌。Analysis on the 25 syphilitic skeletons showed the terrible bone damage inflicted by the bacterium that causes syphilis, a spirochete called Treponema pallidum.

它们会夹杂上很多真实的医学纪录片画面,分娩、感染了梅毒的生殖器、腐烂的眼珠、从母体感染了梅毒的婴儿等等。They used actual medical reels, medical footage of child birth or images of syphilitic genitals, decayed eyeballs , babies who had contracted syphilis from their mothers.

血清固定对梅毒患者生活质量影响最显著的是人际关系,其次为工作和学习及休闲娱乐。Sero-resistence affects the quality of life of syphilitic patients, and the most notable influences in order of relationship, work and study, recreation and entertainment.

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结论彩色多普勒超声影像技术对梅毒性心血管损害的诊断有特异性、准确性高,对指导临床治疗也有意义。Conclusion Color Doppler ultrasonography is specific for the diagnosis of syphilitic cardiovascular disease, and its higher diagnostic rate shows its significance in clinical therapy.

七具带有铜钱陪葬的梅毒患者的骨骼,经过碳同位素年龄测定,被证明他们被梅毒感染的年代远远早于哥伦布的出生时间。Seven syphilitic skeletons, found buried with coins, were radiocarbon dated. The results indicated that the individuals were affected by the disease long before Columbus was even born.