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在卵巢端的输卵管末端为漏斗部。At the ovarian end of the oviduct is the infundibulum.

垂体柄可以缺如或缩短。The pituitary infundibulum is either absent or truncated.

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两个小伸缩泡,远远分离,位于口前庭腹面。Two contractile vacuoles situated near ventral wall of infundibulum.

两个小伸缩泡位于口前庭的腹缘。Two small contractile vacuoles located near ventral wall of infundibulum.

垂体前叶可以受累而缺失或漏斗发育不良。The anterior pituitary may be affected by absence or hypoplasia of the infundibulum.

花边状的伞将排出的卵,从卵巢表面运送到漏斗。The fringelike fimbriae transport ovulated eggs from the ovarian surface to the infundibulum.

特发性垂体功能低下表现为垂体腺小和漏斗消失。Idiopathic pituitary hypofunction manifested pituitary shrinking in size and disappearing of infundibulum.

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大约于此同时,漏斗出现,表现为从间脑向下生长的神经上皮。At approximately the same time, the infundibulum forms as a down growth of the neuroepithelium from the diencephalon.

目的探讨大鼠输卵管漏斗部上皮的周期性形态变化。Objective To observe the ultrastructural changes of infundibulum epithelium of rat's oviduct during the genital cycle in rat.

筛漏斗长度及钩突角度与鼻窦炎积分之间有显著相关性。The length of infundibulum and the angle of uncinate process were correlated to the score of the sinus opacity of sinusitis patients.

单一伸缩泡,位于前庭腹面。口围缘到反口纤毛环之间的银线数约28-33列,反口纤毛环至帚胚之间约5-8列。Single contractile vacuole situated near ventral wall of infundibulum. 28-33 pellicular striations from peristome to aboral trochal band and 5-8 from aboral trochal band to scopula.

病理切片下可见毛囊漏斗部周围有大量黄色瘤细胞与少量淋巴球的浸润,在回顾相关的文献后我们诊断其为黄色瘤样型的福斯佛代斯氏病。Histology revealed numerous xanthomatous cells in association with a few lymphocytes surrounding the follicular infundibulum , consistent with a diagnosis of xanthomatous Fox-Fordyce disease.