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同时,全面大反攻的准备工作业已着手进行。Meanwhile, preparations went on for an all-out counteroffensive.

因为反攻才刚刚开始,并将愈演愈烈。Because the counteroffensive is just beginning, and it's going to be fierce.

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过黄河实际上就是开始反攻。Crossing the Yellow River was actually the beginning of the counteroffensive.

1944年的今天,二战期间,德军在意大利的安奇奥市发起反攻。In 1944, during World War Two, the Germans launched a counteroffensive at Anzio, Italy.

大臣们向天皇汇报了即将到来的冲绳防御战的作战计划。The chiefs had presented to Hirohito the plan for the coming counteroffensive at Okinawa.

另外,他也担心其他方向德军反击作战,会令自己的计划失败。In other words, he feared another German counteroffensive that would disrupt all his plans.

一九四四年十二月,德国向同盟军发动最后一次强力反攻。In December 1944, the Germans launched their last serious counteroffensive against Allied armies.

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我们在四周转了一会儿,问他们能不能在发起反击的时候带上我们。We milled about for a while, asking if we could ride with the rebels when they launched a counteroffensive.

另一个原因是客观形势迫使我们要早反攻。Another reason was that the objective situation compelled us to start the counteroffensive at an early date.

苏联人的反攻不仅对罗马尼亚陆军,对空军同样也造成了极大的影响。The Soviet counteroffensive had terrible consequences not only for the Romanian army, but also for the air force.

在1943年的魁北克会议上,盟国领导人就在1944年初反攻缅甸的意向达成了共识。At the Quebec Conference in August 1943, Allied leaders agreed on an early 1944 date for a counteroffensive into Burma.

解放战争开始时没有提出反攻的问题,那时反攻时间还捉摸不定。When the War of Liberation had begun, a counteroffensive had not been put on the agenda, because we were uncertain of the timing.

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由于圆满地完成了任务,战略反攻的时间提前了,比预定的不止提前一年两年。As that task had been accomplished on all fronts, we were able to start the strategic counteroffensive one or two years ahead of schedule.

警戒设备,如卫星、雷达等组成的网络系统,便于及早发现敌方的进攻以采取各种防御或对抗性措施。A network of sensing devices, such as satellites or radar, for detecting an enemy attack in time to take defensive or counteroffensive measures.

美国将“斑马部队”的成员作为顾问派往这些部队,而这批部队计划用于包围华东地区的空军基地,并最终向扬子江流域的日军发起反攻。S. advisers, this group would defend air bases in east China and eventually undertake a counteroffensive against Japanese forces in the Yangtze valley.

尽管盟军的空中打击行动帮助了利比亚的反叛军,让他们重新夺回了战场的主动权,卡扎非军队周二制止了由反叛军发起的向西突进的攻击,他们开始反攻了。Although allied airstrikes helped rebels regain battlefield momentum, pro-Qaddafi forces on Tuesday halted a westward push by the rebels and began a counteroffensive.

史迪威上任后的第一个本能反应就是要在中国战区采取主动性的行动,因此在1942年6月他提出了一个反攻计划,内容是沿扬子江流域顺江而下直指汉口。Stilwell's first instinct in the China theater was to seize the initiative, so June 1942 found him proposing a counteroffensive to push the Japanese back down the Yangtze valley toward Hankow.

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二月下旬以来,该镇也没有电话服务,移动或固定电话,因为政府削减了所有连接时的军事叛乱分子发动的反攻。Since late February the town has also had no telephone service, mobile or landline, because the government cut all connections when the military launched its counteroffensive against the rebels.

整个夏天我们都在跟着地面部队一路撤退,直到夏末的时候战线稳定在了顿河一线,我们就部署在顿河右岸,而后来我军正是从右岸发起了反攻。Until the end of summer we kept falling back with the ground forces until the front stabilized on the river Don, on whose bank we were deployed right up to the beginning of the counteroffensive.