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当然。拉一下这个操作杆就行了。Sure . Just pull this lever.

它们只会去压动杠杆。They just pressed the lever.

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释放杆枢轴表面。Release lever pivot surfaces.

我就推一下这个小控制杆。I just push this little lever.

肯定是变速杆有问题。It must be the gearshift lever.

手煞车杆已磨损。The hand-brake lever is worn out.

更清楚了,是拉上那个手刹的“杆”!He pulls the parking brake lever up.

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他们设法撬开了门。They managed to lever the door open.

他们用杠杆把箱子撬开。They prised the box open with a lever.

运输安装主轴的控制杆。Carriage mounted spindle control lever.

这类汽车不用变速杆。This kind of cars spares the gear lever.

奥兹让老鼠按那个杠杆装置。and he just let the rat press the lever.

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尤其是它的“铁杆”小狮子阿林。Especially its " iron lever " lionet A Lin.

从最大的杠杆到最小的齿轮From the mightiest lever to the tiniest pinion

抬起重锤使艇倒出并下放。Lift brake lever for running out and lowering.

霍尔先生移动了一个杠杆把门先关上。Mr. Hall moved a lever to close the door first.

左爪握着13支利箭,代表战争。Zuozhao holding lever 13, on behalf of the war.

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压下挡杆,直到听到挡挂好。Press the lever until you hear the catch engage.

其中的一个动作便是压杠杆。And one of their behaviors is pressing the lever.

拆卸将排挡杆固定到变速箱的螺栓。Remove bolts holding shift lever to transmission.