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那些牛将被运往俄克拉荷马。Those cows too will be shipped to Oklahoma.

让我想想有人是来自。俄克拉何马的吗?Let me think, OK, anybody here from Oklahoma?

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当我抵达俄克拉何马时,她睡了。By the time I reach Oklahoma she'll be sleeping.

这是俄克拉荷马中北部的梅德福附近。This was in north central Oklahoma near Medford.

洪水已淹没俄克拉何马中心大部分地区。Floodwaters now cover much of the center Oklahoma.

这是奥克拉荷马城的一个阴沉的星期六下午。It was a sunny Saturday afternoon in Oklahoma City.

让我们不要成为俄克拉荷马州的神枪手。Let's not fall victim to the Oklahoma sharpshooter.

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我们现在来讲。俄克拉何马神枪手谬误。We'll talk about the Oklahoma sharpshooter fallacy.

他们是犯了。They participated in the Oklahoma sharpshooter fallacy.

我在圣诞节前夕离开俄克拉何马大学。I left the University of Oklahoma right before Christmas.

雷霆队能在季后赛的征程中走多远?How Far Will the Oklahoma City Thunder Go in the Playoffs?

一位来自来自俄克拉荷马的患者,已经重返他的牧师讲坛。One patient, an Oklahoma pastor, has returned to the pulpit.

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两个致命飓风同时席卷南俄克拉荷马州。Two deadly tornadoes swirling in unison in southern Oklahoma.

他过去曾是艾克拉荷马州的第45步兵团。As it turned out the Oklahoma 45th Infantry Division went over.

随信附上俄克拉荷马大学签发的I-20表格。I am enclosing the I-20 form issued by the University of Oklahoma.

现今约有2,000名塞米诺尔人居住在佛罗里达州,5,000人居住在奥克拉荷马州。Today about 2, 000 Seminole live in Florida and 5, 000 in Oklahoma.

布伦达·托马斯生活在俄克拉荷马城,是一位作家兼摄影师。Brenda Thomson is a writer and photographer living in Oklahoma City.

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两名来此俄克拉何马州的十几岁的小女孩对于能回到陆地表示感激。Two teenage girls in Oklahoma City are thankful to be on dry ground.

奥克拉荷马城前锋凯文杜兰特很有希望获得MVPOklahoma City forward Kevin Durant is favored to win MVP this season.

据悉,波音公司仍然还没有决定哪些员工将迁往俄克拉荷马。Boeing is still determining which employees will be moved to Oklahoma.