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我可以揭开布幕吗?Can I unveil it?

六月初他的智囊团将会公开亮相。In early June he will unveil his new team.

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大多数人,秘密计划败露了,应谴责。Most who unveil hisagendas deserve the condemnation they receive.

大多数暴露计划的人得到了应有的谴责。Most who unveil his agendas deserve the condemnation they receive.

麦卡特尼将公布为H&M公司设计的限量版套装系列。McCartney will unveil a limited-edition capsule collection for H&M.

Flamingo的下一版将公布更加强大的工具。The next releases of Flamingo will unveil even more powerful tools.

寻找奥迪推出了期待已久的奥迪R8蜘蛛在德国显示。Look for Audi to unveil the long-awaited R8 Spider at the German show.

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上海朗廷扬子精品酒店推出了朗廷皇室下午茶套餐。The Langham, Yangtze Boutique, Shanghai unveil the Royal Afternoon Tea.

他希望英国在2006年底,可为10年计划承担一些责任。He hoped that Britain would unveil a 10-year commitment by the end of 2006.

星期四,奥巴马总统将公布下一个财政年度的联邦政府预算。And on Thursday, he will unveil his federal budget for the next fiscal year.

通用电气将于今年公布这一充电站的特别家庭版。G. E. will unveil a specialized home version of the charger later this year.

阅兵典礼将展示中国新型核武洲际导弹。China to unveil new nuclear-capable intercontinental missiles on National Day.

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欧宝将推出旅行车版本的新徽章上中型汽车。Opel will unveil the station wagon version of its new Insignia upper-medium car.

甚至在今年3月,正在病休的他还是回来亲自向全世界发布最新的iPad2。He even came back from medical leave to unveil the iPad 2 to the world last March.

我想通过我的作品慢慢地展现他们盖楼的进程和节奏。I wanted the video to slowly unveil the progress and rhythm of their construction.

现在,Jha已经莅临Google总部来揭晓他的设计——这真是让人难以忘怀。Now Jha had come to Google headquarters to unveil his design—and it was impressive.

国家统计局将于4月23日公布第一季度GDP的初步概算。The ONS will unveil its initial estimate of GDP in the first quarter on April 23rd.

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大众汽车公司将推出欧洲最畅销的车型,第六代高尔夫。Volkswagen will unveil the sixth generation of Europe's best-selling car, the Golf.

稍后,他会摘去这个名字,在成都成立一个新的加拿大贸易办公室。Later, he'll unveil a plaque marking the site of a new Canadian trade office in Chengdu.

那夜中张目的猫头鹰,他的眼睛在白昼是盲瞎的,不能揭露光明的神秘。The owl whole night-bound eyes are blind unto the day cannot unveil the mystery of light.