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各种设备接线在可装卸的绿色看台之下蜿蜒缠绕。Wires snaked from below the portable green bleachers.

用于搭设临时的观礼台和看台。For the erection of temporary viewing stand and bleachers.

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一个“高尔夫”快餐区的定制台为再生雪松饰面。A "golf" snack area's custom bleachers are reclaimed cedar.

我愿意坐在露天看台上,在那儿看比赛看得更清楚。I like to sit in the bleachers . You can see the game better.

现在,新球场是漂亮的蓝色,带露天看台和玻璃篮板。Now, it's a spiffy blue court with bleachers and glass backboards.

沿着楼梯或运动场的露天看台上下慢跑是一项非常有益的有氧运动。Jog up and down stairwells or bleachers for a great cardio workout.

其外形轮廓与监狱院子里的一组看台是相同的。The detailed plans are for the same set of bleachers that sit in the prison yard.

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他们将在好莱坞,并和其他观众在露天看台观看红地毯。They are also in Hollywood and will see the Red Carpet from the bleachers with the fans.

所有人都拥挤聚集在同样的露天看台上,尖叫着支持舞台上和运动场上偶像化的表演者。All crowd the same bleachers to scream support for the idolized performers on the stage and field.

邮件到了,犯人们挤在一起等着叫到自己的名字去拿信,瑞德那伙人呆在看台上。Mail call. Men crowd around as names are called out. Red and the boys are parked on the bleachers.

他们将在好莱坞,并和其他观众在露天看台观看红地毯。They are also in Hollywood and would will see the red Red Carpet from the bleachers with the fans.

刘晓东介绍说,露天看台下部分座椅是可收缩的,可扩大比赛场地空间。All the seats in the lower bleachers were retractable to provide more space for competitions, Liu said.

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她载我到芬威公园的露天看台去看特德威廉姆斯在波斯顿红袜队打左路。She took me to the bleachers in Fenway Park to watch Ted Williams play left field for the Boston Red Sox.

过程我记不太清了,他们说我从看台上掉了下去摔破了脑袋。I don't remember much of anything, but according to my friends, I fell down the bleachers and cut my head.

镜头闪回到Michael的办公室,他坐在办公台前研究着一组看台的结构图。Flashback to Michael’s office, he’s sitting at his desk looking over the schematics for a set of bleachers.

不要调整闪现的思绪,只是观察他们,就好像你在一个足球赛的露天球场。Don't judge the blips of flashing thoughts, simply observe them as if you were on the bleachers at a football game.

大部分犯人聚在围栏边观看并嘲笑着新犯人,而瑞德和同伴们则舒舒服服的待在看台上。Most cons crowd to the fence to gawk and jeer, but Red and his group mount the bleachers and settle in comfortably.

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屋盖及屋盖支承为整体钢结构,看台、附属用房采用混凝土结构。The roof and supporting members are all steel structure, meanwhile the bleachers and subsidiary space are made of reinforced concrete.

洋基球场早年的时候,当外野还被木制长椅环绕之时,有一个绕著全垒打墙的草皮斜坡。In its early years, when wooden bleachers surrounded the outfield, a grass slope approached the outfield walls from foul pole to foul pole.

这场友谊赛上下半场各邀请约225名来自美国空军的客人,利用20分钟的时间让这些飞行员们在看台上就坐后,球场就被清空了。About 225 Air Force guests were invited for each half, and the gym was cleared after the first 20-minute period to allow more airmen to fill the bleachers.