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他的叔叔.His uncle.

陈叔说。Uncle Chen said.

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为什么?霍里叔叔。Why? Uncle Wally.

王大叔笑了。Uncle Wang laughed.

嗨,我是布克叔叔。Hi, I'm Uncle Booky.

这是布克叔叔。This is Uncle Booky.

今天,我叔挂掉了。Today, my uncle died.

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我叔叔是个邮差。My uncle is a mailman.

谁是你大爷?Who is your big uncle?

我是你叔叔。奥盖尔。I'm your uncle. Argyle.

是我的李伯伯寄来的。It's from my Uncle Lee.

今天我的舅父来了。My uncle arrived today.

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我的叔叔很胖。My uncle is rather fat.

那猴子是他叔叔?The monkey's his uncle?

我舅舅常饮白兰地。My uncle tipples brandy.

路易斯叔叔的摇篮曲。Uncle Satchmo's lullaby.

他寄宿在舅舅家里。He lodged with his uncle.

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我期望见到我的舅舅。I expect to see my uncle.

“我挂的,”他的舅舅说道。I have, ' said his Uncle.

我看见他和叔叔一起。I see her with Uncle Ish.