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我们在林肯郡一带确实有养猪。Of course we do in Lincolnshire.

格兰瑟姆是英格兰林肯郡的一个乡村集镇。Grantham is a market town in the English county of Lincolnshire.

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Bink发现自己在2008年回了林肯郡的家五次。Bink only found herself back home in Lincolnshire five times in 2008.

我们正在寻找来自英国,最好林肯郡自由职业者。We are looking for freelancers from England, preferably Lincolnshire.

对撞的飞机来自林肯郡克伦威尔皇家学院空军训练部队。The planes were from the flight training school at RAF Cranwell in Lincolnshire.

在林肯郡劳斯附近的唐纳·努克的一处海滩上拍到这个有趣的画面。We took the interesting picture at the Donald Knuth beach near Louth Lincolnshire.

撒切尔夫人讲的是自己家乡林肯郡的小店主的语言。Mrs Thatc her spoke the language of the small shopkeeper from her native Lincolnshire.

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她常常谈到为能改掉林肯郡口音感到高兴。She had always said how lucky she was to have been able to lose her Lincolnshire accent.

其他国家和地区也曾发现过少量,包括剑桥郡和林肯郡。Smaller numbers were also heard in other counties, including Cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire.

林肯郡的部分A180公路和达勒姆郡的部分A66公路关闭了。Part of the A180 in Lincolnshire was closed and there was a part-closure of the A66 in County Durham.

在林肯郡的伯勒马什村里,有一块地叫做“钟绳地产”。In the Lincolnshire village of Burgh-le-Marsh there was once a chunk1 of land called Bell String Acre.

第一次报批被驳回后,在林肯郡建一座秸秆电厂的修改方案已经重新送审。Plans for a straw burning power station in Lincolnshire have been resubmitted after a first attempt was rejected.

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英格兰地区有许多美味,比如新提耳顿干酪,黑布丁,林肯郡香肠等。There are a variety of palatable food in England, Stilton Cheese, Black Pudding, Lincolnshire Sausages, just to name a few.

林肯郡香肠结构松散、粗短,颇具特色。组成材料猪肉只需粗糙地碾磨,不需剁碎。Lincolnshire sausages are characterised by their open, chunky texture. The constituent pork is coarsely ground rather than minced.

在他发表这番言论的同一天,有一些团队批评塔塔钢铁公司——前身是Corus公司——在林肯郡和Tesside消减了1500个工作岗位。He made his remarks on the same day as unions criticised Tata Steel, formerly Corus, for axing 1,500 jobs in Lincolnshire and Teesside.

在他发表这番言论的同一天,有一些团队批评塔塔钢铁公司——前身是Corus公司——在林肯郡和Tesside消减了1500个工作岗位。He made his remarks on the same day as unions criticised Tata Steel, formerly Corus, for axing 1, 500 jobs in Lincolnshire and Teesside.

因此你可以想象当英国野生动物官员听说这样一种有着利齿的怪物被林肯郡的一个渔民钓上来时是多么的害怕。So you can imagine the fear when British wildlife officials heard that one of the toothy monsters was hooked by a fisherman in Lincolnshire.

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卷毛猪过去在林肯郡十分常见,每年都会被剃毛用来制毛衣,但自从1972年起,它慢慢开始变得少见。The sheep-pig used to be a common sight in Lincolnshire and was shorn once a year to make sweaters, but it became extinct in Britain in 1972.

精力充沛地散步或懒散悠闲地泛舟,之后在日落时分品尝美食,享受北林肯郡的真情款待。Enjoy an exhilarating walk or a lazy day on the river and, when the sun goes down, discover quality food and a genuine North Lincolnshire welcome.

绵羊猪产于奥地利和匈牙利,与英国早在40年前灭绝的林肯郡本地卷毛物种十分相似。Originating from Austria and Hungary, the Mangalitza is similar to the native Lincolnshire curly coat breed which died out in Britain 40 years ago.