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基于形状的物体识别是X射线检测技术的一个分支。Object recognition based on shape is an embranchment of X-ray detection techniques.

小波方法是目前图像超分辨率复原研究的一个重要分支。Wavelet method has become the important embranchment of super-resolution restoration.

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人工智能是计算机科学的一个分支,人工智能是计算机科学技能的前沿科技领域。AI is a embranchment of Computer Science, and it is foreland of research field of computer science.

水化学与水质分析是环境化学的分支学科,是环境科学的重要组成部分。Water Chemistry and Water Quality Analysis is a embranchment and a main part of Environment Chemistry.

汉语、印尼语分属汉藏语系和南岛语系,修饰语在句中的位置分布差异较大。As an embranchment of Southland phylum , distribution of Indonesian modifiers is different from that of Chinese.

合谋理论作为激励的一个分支,近年来已经进入主流经济学的研究前沿。As an embranchment of incentives theory, collusion theory has entered foreland of the mainstream economy's research.

利用风网解算程序,将采空区及漏风通道模拟为风网中的一个或几个漏风分支。With the procedure of the air net calculating, a passage of the mining area is simulated to one or some embranchment.

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但作为生态建筑的一种存在方式,高技生态建筑的发展无疑有它的社会背景。But as an embranchment of arcology, the development of high-tech ecological architecture was in his social background.

对于高速公路软基变形预测的研究是软土问题中的一个重要子课题。The study of prediction of deformation about expressway soil roadbed is an important embranchment of soft soil problem.

文水方言是晋语并州片的一个方言点,共有19个声母,42个韵母,5种调类。Wenshui dialect is an embranchment of the Jin dialects as a whole, which consists of 19 vowels, 42 consonants and 5 kinds of pitches.

作为特种汽车的一个极具发展前景重要分支的防弹车,其代表作之一是防弹运钞车。The ballproof truck is one of the important embranchment for special type truck, whose representative products are the ballproof cash truck.

砚是我国特有的书写工具之一,砚文化是我国古老深邃玉文化的重要组成部分和分支。Inkstone is the unique tool for writing in China, and the culture of inkstone is an important component and embranchment of the jade culture.

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关联规则挖掘是数据挖掘的一个重要分支,它用于揭示事务中各种属性之间特殊关系。The minning of association rule is a important embranchment of data minning. It can open out special connection of many attribute of affairs.

通过三通阀和电磁阀对各气路分支的气流进行整合和通断控制使其适应双层织造的需要。The airflow embranchment is neatened and controlled by confluence valve and electromagnetism valve in order to weave two-double velveteen fabric.

证明巴特沃斯小波作为小波变换应用里的一个分支,可以在数字信号处理和故障诊断中得到良好的应用。It proves that, as an embranchment of wavelet application, Butterworth wavelet can be well applied in digital signal processing and fault diagnosis.

针对查询执行提出了逐级查询判决分支流程标志并按标志决定功能走向的方法。For gradational execution, it gives a method of gradationally adjudging the embranchment control signs and deciding function trend, according on the control signs.

如何保证分支连接处的力学完整性、水力完整性和再进入能力,是煤层分支水平井顺利实施的关键技术。The key technology to drill branch wells is how to make sure the mechanics integrality, waterpower integrality, and reentering ability in the joint of embranchment.

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在不具备通信条件的配电网中,提出采用用户进线侧分段器来对分支线路的故障进行处理的方案。In the distribution network which has no communication, a scheme which uses the user line subsection switch to deal with the fault of the embranchment is put forward.

“仿真技术”作为一个新兴的科学分支近些年来在国内外得到迅速发展,特别在军事、能源、交通等应用领域更得到关注。As a rising science embranchment , "Simulation technology" has developed rapidly, and especially gained more attention in military affairs, energy sources and traffic.

随着科学发展的分支化趋势和综合化趋势的加强,各学科之间的交叉性和渗透性达到前所未有的程度。Along with the strengthened science development of embranchment and integration trend, the nature of intercross and penetration among subjects has achieve a new degree.