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这是你帝国边境上的一个不相宜的污点。It is an unseemly blot on the skirts of your empire.

性感这东西对他说来是危险的,在他的思想方法中是不体面的。Eroticism was, in some way, dangerous business, unseemly to his way of thinking.

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你可以发现多种肮脏,不得体的事物都在港口发生。You find various kinds of disreputable and maybe unseemly things going on there.

你可以发现多种肮脏,不得体的事物都在港口发生。You find various kinds of disreputable and maybe unseemly things going on there.

如果你的邻居已经失去工作,你就会觉得不必为自己没加上工资而抱怨。It feels unseemly to complain about not getting a raise when your neighbor is unemployed.

对这个意见,教长表示同意,不过他指出说,在这样一个问题上争论将是不合适的。To this the dean assented, but alleged that contests on such a subject would be unseemly.

过厅充满了一片乱糟糟的喧嚣和醉汉嘶哑的喘息声。The vestibule was filled with the unseemly sounds of scuffling and drunken, husky gasping.

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塔利弗夫人的姐妹们都已结了婚,生活得很好。她们批评塔利弗的不切实际的抱负。Mrs. Tulliver's sisters, who had married well, criticized Mr. Tulliver's unseemly ambition.

但就在那个夜晚的前几月,选美赛受到不体面争论的伤害。But in the months leading to that night, the pageant has been slapped with unseemly controversy.

当时佛朗明哥将军的西班牙禁止女性参与徒步斗牛,以防她们遭受惨不忍睹的牴杀。Women were forbidden to fight on foot in Franco’s Spain, in case they were gored in unseemly ways.

珍妮害怕她父亲,唯恐闹出不好看的事儿来,可是她不知道怎么样才好。She was afraid of her father, lest some unseemly things should happen, but did not know exactly what to do.

在美国有失颜面的债务上限论战后,北京已经很担心美国违约的风险。Beijing is concerned enough about the risk of default from the U.S. after the unseemly squabbling over the debt ceiling.

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更令人震惊的是,铁道部迅速地清理了车厢残骸,显得十分草率,更有甚者,直接就地掩埋车体。Most astonishingly, the ministry appeared in unseemly haste to remove the wreckage and, mystifyingly, even bury some of it.

并且他也是一位有着非凡才能的正派人,在作出了像盗窃这样的不当举动后,他的余生都沉浸在悔恨和内疚之中。Instead, it seems, he was a talented, decent man, who lived with guilt ever after being pressured into an unseemly act of theft.

他没法想象一个王子会有这么个不体面的名字,直到他想到了克瑞努阿王子的命运和黑云。He couldn't easily imagine a prince with such an unseemly name, until he thought about Prince Kreenuuar's fate and the black cloud.

他的报告会于今天送到足总,他们将观察那些不适当的情况。这实在可惜,因为这是一场妙极的比赛。His report will go into the FA today and they will look at those unseemly situations that arose. It was a pity because it was a fantastic game.

从故事中得到博客噪音的正是作家和编辑他们自己,即使他们认为这样的自我促销是不体面的。And the best people to be getting blog buzz on stories are the writers and editors themselves, even if they consider such self-promotion unseemly.

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先知的妻子们啊!你们中谁作了明显的丑事者,将受加倍的刑罚,这事对于真主是容易的。Consorts of the Prophet! If any of you were guilty of evident unseemly conduct, the Punishment would be doubled to her, and that is easy for Allah.

我倒是想让她多讲些她朋友的细节,但是我明白自己对此话题的过分热情反而让这位妇女后悔她说话有些轻率了。I try to squeeze out more details about her friend, but I see that my unseemly enthusiasm for the topic is making the lady regret her indiscretion.

祈求全能的安拉喜悦我们的信仰,很好的引领我们的内心,祈求安拉使我们憎恶并避免一切可憎的、不得体的行为举止。阿敏!May Almighty Allah endear faith and good conduct to our hearts, and may He make us abhor and shun all unseemly and abominable actions and behavior.