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你所看到的这条街是萨尔瓦多·达利设计的The Streets As Seen by Salvador Dali

洱海月”是大理四大名景之一。"Erhai Lake, " Dali is one of four of King.

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王濯,大历九年进士第。诗一首。Wang Zhuo, Dali nine Scholars section. Write a poem.

艺术家萨尔瓦多·达利是超现实主义的同义词。The artist Salvador Dali is synonymous with surrealism.

大理是昆明通往滇西北的必经之路。Dali is the necessary way from Kunming to the Northwest.

方法分析大理市零售药房现状。MethodsAnalyzing actuality of retail pharmacies in Dali.

我去过许多地方,像昆明啊,大理啊,下关等。I have been to many places like Kunming, Dali and Xiaguan.

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大理市,南昭和大理王国的历史遗址所在地。Dali, the historic center of the Nanzhao and Dali kingdoms.

艺术家萨多瓦尔·利是超现实主义的同义词。The artist Salvador Dali is the synonymous with surrealism.

站在张大力的一幅幅画作面前,常常令人哑然失语。Standing in front of paintings of Dali Zhang, I lose my words.

从狭义上来说,大理石指的是云南大理出产的石材。Stricto sensu , marble refers to the Yunnan Dali produced stones.

白族军官接管了这里,将王国命名为大理国。It was taken over by Bai officials and renamed the Kingdom of Dali.

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这种观点与裴敏欣与杨大力之间的争论有什么关系?How does this relate to the argument between Minxin Pei and Dali Yang?

武少仪,元和中尝为大理卿。诗二首。Wu little instrument, and the taste for the Dali Yuan Qing. Two Poems.

很快,他就发现这个来源就是达利自己。And he soon discovered that the shadiest source of all was Dali himself.

每天大约有5班长途班车开往大理和丽江。There are also about five long-distance buses daily to Dali and Lijiang.

解读张大力的油画作品,必须从历史的纵深中找寻。We must profoundly look into history to interpret Dali Zhang's paintings.

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坐出租车从飞机场到大理驼峰的价格是100元左右。A taxi directly from the airport to the Dali Hump will cost around 100RMB.

韩从今天开始啊,我们要带大家走进美丽的云南大理。We will take you to the beautiful Dali in Yunnan Province beginning today.

许多人上当受骗,与大理爱,因为温和四季气候。Many people fall in love with Dali because of the mild four-season climate.