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是否要假装我喜欢他们?Pretend I like them?

让我们假扮成猫。Lets pretend were cats.

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让咱们假扮成猫。Let's pretend we're cats.

所以你为何不装相呢?。So why don't you pretend?

任择议定书硬币装钱。OP coins are pretend money.

装死或假装睡。Possum or pretend to sleep.

我不会不懂装懂的。I don't pretend to understand it.

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任何人都可以伪装成任何身份。Anyone can pretend to be anything.

他不想假充自己有什么才华。He doesn't pretend to be a genius.

杀死儿童假人是不对的。It is wrong to kill pretend children.

暂时先不要考虑这里的帽Pretend the hat isn't there a second.

我不能妄称自己多有音乐天赋。He does not pretend to be a physicist.

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你怎么假装成别人呢?How do you pretend to be someone else?

我们不防假设它是可以改变的。Let us pretend that it can be changed.

假装身体十分僵硬。Pretend as if rigor mortis has set in.

有时我巴望我们能假装还在一起Sometimes I wish we could just pretend

现在甚至连孩子都要当英雄。Even the children pretend to be heroes.

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假装你是一名针线工。Let's pretend that you're a seamstress.

我不傻,就是有时爱“装傻”!Sometimes i will "pretend "to be silly.

我讨厌她,而且我不愿装作喜欢她。I hate her and I won’t pretend otherwise.