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他嘟着嘴,在一旁生气。He pouted in annoyance.

不过这仅仅是小烦恼而已。But this is a minor annoyance.

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不嫉妒就没有爱情。Love is never after annoyance.

他抬起头来,面有愠色…He looked up, annoyance on his face.

所有的烦恼早已远远地逃去了。All the annoyance has escaped far away.

他的烦恼使他喋喋不休。His annoyance had unbridled his tongue.

她碰到一丁点儿伤脑筋的事就心烦意乱。She ruffles at the slightest annoyance.

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很抱歉给你带来这般烦恼。I'm sorry that I caused you such annoyance.

臭气污染物可以引起不严重的厌烦。Odorous pollutants can cause minor annoyance.

威尔金斯博士对烦恼很有包容力。Dr. Wilkins had plenty of ground for annoyance.

你认为广场舞扰民吗?Do you think square dancing is causing annoyance?

她总是把烦恼发泄到丈夫身上。She always takes her annoyance out on her husband.

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那些吵闹的猫在夜深时分真烦人。Those noisy cats are great annoyance late at night.

另一项不足之处是邮件通知。Another annoyance has to do with email notifications.

他绷着脸表示不满。He plumped up his cheeks in an expression of annoyance.

第五声,就有人开始抱怨热狗卖者的吵闹了。The fifth time, people start to grumble with annoyance.

对伯顿它们可是爱理不理,伯顿为此也很烦恼,毕竟他也很喜欢狗。This was an annoyance to him, since he also liked dogs.

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为了避免尖叫声的烦恼,我只好替她做作业。I was shocked so I did her homework out of screaming annoyance.

这种烦恼已经在孩子上学的时候就伴随着他们了。Such annoyance has accompanied the kids even from their school days.

没有参与的烦恼和悲伤的感情纠缠。Is not involved in the feelings of annoyance and sadness entanglement.