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所使用的分隔符字符。The Delimiter character in use.

默认的字段分隔符是制表符。The default field delimiter is the tab character.

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这意味着每个分隔符终止一个记录。This means that each delimiter terminates a record.

将一个结束注释分隔符添加到光标之后appends a closing comment delimiter after the cursor

这意味着每个分隔符分离记录。This means that each delimiter separates the records.

客户端应用一般认为缺省的划界符为‘。The default delimiter expected by the client dll is '.

每个卡片条目由一个分隔字符串分隔开。Each card entry will be separated by a delimiter string.

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请用下面的列表选择相应的定界符。Use the lists below to select the appropriate delimiter.

输入文件的每次传播之间包含一个分隔符。The input file contains a delimiter between each propagation.

这意味着在所写入的每个记录后面添加分隔符。This means the delimiter is added after each record that is written.

行定界符总是换行符,不能自由选择。The row delimiter is always the line break and cannot be chosen freely.

有效的自定义分隔符必须具有偶数个十六进制数字。A valid custom delimiter must have an even number of hexadecimal digits.

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必须选择不出现在数据本身中的列定界符。A column delimiter has to be chosen that must not appear in the data itself.

“域名记录定界符”对话框,用户必须从中选择一个字段分隔符。Header Record Delimiters dialog box where users must select a field delimiter.

这个分裂是基于一个分隔符即每当午夜时间戳支安打。This split is based on a delimiter i. e. whenever the timestamp hits midnight.

使用大括号括住记录表达式,并使用分号作为分隔符。Use braces to enclose the record expression and use the semicolon as a delimiter.

否则,变量中的任何空格都被解释为参数分隔符。Otherwise, any whitespace in the variable is interpreted as an argument delimiter.

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如果文件以分隔符结尾,则不会传播分隔符之后的空记录。If the file ends with a delimiter, no empty record is propagated after the delimiter.

因此,不需要检查选择的定界符是否出现在数据本身中。Therefore, there is no need to verify if the chosen delimiter appears in the data itself.

在主机屏幕中,分隔符是一个空格,后接一个句点,然后是两个空格。In the host screen, the delimiter is a space, followed by a period, followed by two spaces.