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请你想像一个来自郊区基督诞生地的活泼的少年歌手。Imagine a light-up choirboy from a suburban Nativity scene.

每年圣诞节孩子们都演耶稣诞生的戏剧。The children always perform a nativity play every Christmas.

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弥尔顿所尊敬的基督还只是个婴儿。Christ, whose Nativity Milton is honoring, is still just a baby.

房东的女儿和我共同度过了一个特别的圣诞节。My landlord’s daughter and I would create a unique nativity of our own.

布朗纳公司以表现基督诞辰的场景而闻名。Bronner's is famous for its nativity scenes which show the birth of Jesus Christ.

在你受造之处,生长之地,我必刑罚你。I will judge thee in the place where thou wast created, in the land of thy nativity.

有人带来了天使,魔术师和从沃特伯里基督诞生地取来的小耶稣。Someone took an angel, a wise man and the baby Jesus from a Nativity scene in Waterbury.

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在白冷圣诞洞窟周围聚焦了所有传统。In Bethlehem the sacred area around the Nativity Grotto has been the focal point of all tradition.

人们在伯利恒的圣诞教堂举行圣诞弥撒,唱诗班用阿拉伯语唱着圣诞颂歌。Christmas mass was celebrated at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, with carols sung in Arabic.

在柏利恒耶稣诞生的教堂中,子夜弥撒之后,员工多次清理该地。And in Bethlehem where workers spend times cleaning up after the midnight mass at the church of Nativity.

白凤仪为了得到圣首,同意择日转让白氏集团一部份股份给夏梦杰。Bai Fengyi in order to get the first agreed to part bai group shares transferred to Xia Mengjie nativity.

在西方,直到公元380年后,耶稣的寿辰一直都在1月6日这天祝贺。Even in the West, the January 6 celebration of the nativity of Jesus seems to have continued until after 380.

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1894年,拱形门完工了,1899年的玫瑰门也完工了—这是通向诞生回廊的大门。In 1894 the apse façade was finished and in 1899 the Roser door, one of the entrances to the Nativity cloister.

这是圣家堂的耶稣诞生门,巴塞罗那的一处大教堂,由著名的建筑家高迪设计。This is the Nativity facade of La Sagrada Família, a cathedral in Barcelona designed by famous architect Gaudí.

后来嫁给陆文伦伦最得力的一个铺子掌柜,生了一子一女。Marry 6 afterwards text Lun the Lun get a store shopkeeper of dent maximum ugg boots nativity one son one woman.

他在一幅有爱意的耶稣诞生图前的台阶上坐下来,然后邀请孩子们过来和他坐在一起。He sat down on the steps in front of a lovely nativity scene and asked all the children to come and sit with him.

教士和修道院士身穿白袍列队进入圣诞教堂,身后留下焚香的芬芳。Priests and monks in white robes held a procession into the Church of the Nativity leaving a trail of fragrant incense.

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在期限末端之前在有些学校,儿童行动诞生或“诞生”戏剧,显示怎么耶稣出生在槽枥。Before the term ends in some schools , the children act a nativity or "birth" play, showing how Jesus was born in a stable.

但是,庆祝这位圣人的大多数隆重节日都是在他的生辰,直到最近,这个节日之前仍要禁食。But the most solemn celebration in honour of this saint was always that of his Nativity , preceded until recently by a fast.

每当圣诞来临之际,在阿肯色州小石城、州议会大厦周围修剪整齐的草地上,都会立起耶诞的布景。ON A manicured lawn within the grounds of the Arkansas state capitol in Little Rock a Nativity scene is erected each Advent.