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我还吃过一根带黑芝麻的冰棍。I also ate a sesame ice-cream.

淋上蜂蜜,撒上白芝麻即可。Pour honey and strew white sesame.

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芝麻鸡乃美食之王。Sesame chicken is the king of food.

温热的涂油式阿育吠陀风格Ayurvedic style with warm sesame oil

白芝麻与面包屑混匀。Mix the white sesame and the crumbs.

制作黑芝麻酱。Black sesame paste under construction.

再不然就在不可思议的芝麻街拥有一间公寓?Or have an apartment on Sesame Street?

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嘿,即使是芝麻街也可以很严肃。Hey, even Sesame Street can get serious.

芝麻籽儿太白太大了。The sesame seeds too white and too large.

我们有肉包和芝麻包。We have steamed buns with meat or sesame.

你的甜点想吃芝麻糊吗?Do you fancy some sesame paste for dessert?

否则就是捡了芝麻丢了西瓜。Otherwise is also a sesame lost watermelons.

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真的,有好多好多的芝麻绿豆都是如此。Really , a lot of sesame green beans are so.

结合地面芝麻糊水。Combine ground sesame seeds paste with water.

香油是在丰富的不饱和脂肪酸。Sesame oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids.

有花生或芝麻馅的汤圆。sticky rice balls with peanut or sesame inside.

洒上麻油,装盘,即可使用。Sprinkle with the sesame oil, remove, and serve.

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好学历是好工作的敲门砖。A good degree can be an open sesame to a good job.

切不可以丢了西瓜捡芝麻。Do not lose the watermelon and pick up the sesame.

那里薰衣草、芝麻花、迷迭香和百里香。There lavender, sesame flower, rosemary and thyme.