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中脑动脉在表面形成的吻合,平均每例为3.6支。There are 3.6 anastomose branches in each midbrain.

实验室试验数据与仿真结果比较,二者基本吻合。Compare the two values we found that they are anastomose essentially.

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理想的手术方式是输尿管裁剪加输尿管膀胱吻合术。The most effective operative pattern is to clip dilated ureter and anastomose the ureter and cyst.

这些皮动脉与腕部动脉网的皮支间有广泛的交通与吻合。These branches anastomose extensively with cutaneous branches of the network of arteries over wrist.

新的北非洲要历时长久,就必须成功地使东西方的文化相结合。The new North Africa, in order to endure, must successfully anastomose the cultures of east and west.

目的评价经腹膈肌切开器械吻合治疗贲门癌的效果。Objective To evaluate the effect of treating cardiac carcinoma with appliance anastomose via diaphragm.

四种聚类图都反映了品种的系谱来源,类群划分与系谱并不十分吻合。All the four cluster could reflect the pedigrees of the cultivars in some degree but is not very anastomose.

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如果有足够大的胆管可进行吻合并提供胆汁引流,该病即能够通过手术治愈。If a large enough bile duct can be found to anastomose and provide bile drainage, then surgery can be curative.

仿真结果与实际情况相吻合,说明了分析方法的合理性。The simulation result and the predicted situation is anastomose , which identifies the rationality of this analytical method.

移植前肝静脉需行必要的整形,以便与受体静脉进行吻合。Hepatic veins should be reconstructed if necessary, so as to anastomose with recipient hepatic vein or the inferior vena cava.

应用吻合环进行消化管吻合操作规范、安全、简便,以期提供能够一种替代手法缝合和器械吻合的一种选择。Using valtrac ring to anastomose alimentary were norm safety and simple, which were superior to substitute Stapler and suture.

以上的这些动脉相互吻合,形成了一个骨膜血管网,覆盖于全部的距骨非关节面上。All these arteries anastomose each other to form the periosteal network which covers all of the cartilage-free surface of the talus.

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常见的并发症有心律失常、肺部感染、肺不张、疼痛、胸腔内吻合口瘘等。The most common complications were cardiopulmonary insufficiency , lung infection, atelectasis pain and anastomose fistula in thorax.

治疗以手术为主,术式根据病人的年龄、全身情况、腹腔污染程度、发病时间来定,以修补关闭穿孔或肠管切除吻合加乙状结肠造口术为最佳术式。The best mode of operation is to repair and close the perforation or to resect and anastomose the intestinal canal and fistulize sigmoid colon.

总结逆行指动脉岛状瓣并指神经吻合治疗指端皮肤缺损的临床体会。To sum up the experience in treating the finger end imperfect skin with reverse finger artery island flap combined with finger nerve anastomose.

本文报告应用小功率CO_2激光血管吻合进行家兔隐动脉自体移植实验的初步结果。This is a preliminary report of the experimental works in 21 rabbits using low-power CO_2 laser to anastomose the autotransplaated saphenous arteries.

改良直针能克服术野深、狭小、不易吻合的困难,使尿道断端对合良好。It was helpful to anastomose the ends of urethra with self made and improved straight needle without the difficulties from deep and narrow operation area.

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方法采用原位低温灌注、手术显微镜下原位端-端吻合肾动、静脉,将输尿管带膀胱瓣吻合于膀胱。Methods The transplantation was performed with end to end anastomoses of renal arteries and veins and anastomose of donor ureterocystic flap to recipient's bladder.

结果术中常见并发症为出血、凝血功能障碍、低血压、肾功能衰竭、血管吻合口渗漏等。Result Most of the complications after OLT show as hemorrhage, low blood pressure, dysfunction of blood coagulation, kidney dysfunction, leakage of vascular anastomose.

方法对300指指尖离断进行再植,分别采用顺行法或逆行法,尽可能的吻合指动脉及掌侧指静脉。Methods The patients include 300 cases of fingertip replantation were applied by progressive or regressive methods, and tried to anastomose digital arteries and palmar digital finger veins.