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结肠癌会引发肺积水吗?Can colonic cancer cause lobar seeper?

商店里为了防止水缸积水,都是倒放着的。Water jar seeper stops to prevent in the shop, upend is worn.

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半月板手术后出现积水应注意什么?What does seeper appear to should notice after meniscus operation?

在卫生间和厨房门口要随时注重清理渗出的积水。Should notice to clear at any time in toilet and kitchen doorway oozy seeper.

设备应经常擦拭,保持清洁,不许有泥污积水。The equipment should cleanse usually, keep it clean, it need not has muddiness and seeper.

肾积水用什么好办法治疗?痛苦小又经济,疗程又短?What tweak does kidney seeper use to treat? Anguish is small economy, period of treatment short?

她的胸积水总是复发,得不断的抽,而且她的心脏这两年来也有严重的问题。Her pectoral seeper always has a relapse, must smoke ceaselessly, and her heart also has serious problem two this years.

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大部分社区都是一片汪洋,路面严重积水,行人与车辆必须涉水而过。Most communities sank in a vast ocean. Roads were so covered with seeper that foot passengers and vehicles had to paddle.

理综楼前的积水已经淹没了鞋底,但这似乎根本无法淹没所有微软俱乐部会员的热情。The seeper in front of the science building submerged our sole, but could never submerge the fervency of the members in MSTC.

你也没说什么症状啊。全国骨科最好的就是积水潭了,解放军总医院也很好。You also did not say what symptom. Countrywide orthopaedics is best is seeper pool, liberation army total hospital is very good also.

除了没关好卧室窗子外,阳台上的积水倒灌也是让屋子里汪洋一片的重要罪因。Besides closing good bedroom window, the seeper on the balcony flows backward also is to let the boundless in the house serious crime because.

下雨时,为防止运桩的临时道路打滑,必须及时将路面上的积水及泥土扫净,并排除其附近的积水。In raining, the seeper and mud on the pavement shall be cleaned in order to prevent the skid of temporary road from transporting piles and the ponding nearby is also removed.

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针对矸石山附近存在冲沟、积水池等复杂条件下的地下水污染问题,多维分形提供了一种新的研究方法。Aiming at complex circumstance of waste rock hill, such as forming gully, seeper pool and so on, multifractal offers a new method to settling the problem of groundwater contamination.

长治市崔蒙地区因煤矿采空而引发地面塌陷,塌陷积水而使大量农田弃耕,当地经济发展受到极大的影响。Because of coal mining, ground-subsidence appeared in Cuimeng area, Changzhi City. The subsidence seeper caused much farmland to abandon, greatly influencing the local economy development.